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Mucha Immersive Exhibition in Hangzhou

Exhibition of Mucha´s work in Hangzhou

The Consul General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai, Karel Šrol, opened an immersive art exhibition of Mucha´s work in Hangzhou. The exhibition was held on the occasion of the opening of the city's new Wulin Star Expo Center. more ►

October 28th - Czechoslovak Independence Day

October 28th - Czechoslovak Independence Day

28th October commemorates the establishment of the independent Czechoslovak state in 1918, when its independence from Austria-Hungary was declared on Wenceslas Square in Prague. Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk was appointed the first President and Karel… more ►

EU Open House with Czech participation

EU Open House

On May 16, 2024, Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai participated in the Open House event held at the Consulate General of Belgium in Shanghai. more ►

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

November 25 is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. On this day UN Women starts its annual campaign „Orange the World“. This year's motto of the Day Against Violence Against Women is "UNITE! Invest to… more ►

THINK SMART Join the official Study in Czechia virtual fair.

Study in Czech Virtual Fair

Do you dream of studying Abroad? Do you want to study at a university with a great price-quality ratio and have the best time of your life in another country? If your answer is YES, The Czech Republic is the best option for you! more ►

"Golden Autumn in Czechia” event in Shanghai


From October 27 to 29, 2023, INLET Shanghai was transformed into a piece of the Czech Republic as part of the "Golden Autumn in Czechia" event and presented not only the beauty, history and culture of the Czech Republic, but also a range of… more ►

Czech Ideas online workshop

Czech Ideas Workshop

We invite you to the online workshop Czech Ideas that aims to introduce potential customers and investors to promising Czech companies and products that have global ambition more ►

Amendment to the Act on the Residence of Foreigners

The Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai informs that on July 1, 2023, Act No. 173/2023 Coll., which among other things amends Act No. 326/1999 Coll., on the residence of foreigners in the territory of the Czech Republic, entered… more ►

Czech Presidency of the Visegrad Group (2023–2024)

Czech Presidency of the Visegrad Group (2023–2024)

Czechia assumed its seventh Visegrad Group (V4) Presidency on 1 July 2023 in the dramatic geopolitical context of Russia’s continued unprovoked, unjustified and brutal war of aggression against Ukraine. Czechia continues to regard the… more ►

Czech music lecture in Shanghai

Lekce české hudby pod vedením R. Pohla

On June 12, 2023, the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai, in cooperation with East China Normal University (ECNU) and Mr. Richard Pohl, organized Czech music lessons for piano students of the ECNU Faculty of Arts. more ►

Czechia has a new president – Petr Pavel

Prezident ČR Petr Pavel

Czechia has a new president – Petr Pavel, a former army general who has extensive experience in the military and international relations. President Pavel's inauguration ceremony took place on 9th March 2023, marking the start of his… more ►

V4 day for Children

Kids day with V4 countries

On August 27, 2022, the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai, in cooperation with Consulates General of other V4 countries, organized a V4 day for children. more ►

V4 International Culture Week in Jiaxing

V4 International Culture Week in Jiaxing

V4 International Culture Week was held in Jiaxing City of Zhejiang Province from Jun.29th to Jul.5th, 2022, jointly organized by the Consulate General of Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia in Shanghai and Jiaxing People’s… more ►

Czech Photo Exhibition at Shanghai International Studies University

Zahájení výstavy za účasti Gen. konzula Karla Šrola

On 24. 11. 2021, Czech Photo Exhibition officially commenced at the Shanghai International Studies University. The opening ceremony was attended by Mr. Karel Šrol, Consul General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai, Mrs. Xu Hong, the Dean of the… more ►

Screening of the Czech movie „To See the Sea“

To See the Sea poster

On 20 October, the screening of the Czech movie To See the Sea took place in Shanghai. Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai organized the screening in cooperation with the Goethe Institute in Shanghai, which provided space for the… more ►

Evening with Czech classical music and beer

Evening with Czech classical music

On 27 October Consulate General of the Czech Republic to Shanghai organized Evening with Czech Classical Music and Beer to mark the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Czechoslovak Republic more ►

Measures for foreginers to entry the Czech Republic


On 10 March 2020, the Minister of Health issued an emergency measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the Czech Republic. This measure applies to foreigners who do not have permanent or temporary residence in the Czech Republic or do not… more ►

Czech Republic sent material aid to China to fight the coronavirus

Česká republika pomáhá

The Czech Republic sent material aid to China to help fight the coronavirus on Thursday, 13 February 2020. More than four tons of medical supplies are en route from the National Humanitarian Aid Base in Zbiroh to Vienna. From there it will be… more ►

Temporary suspension of visa applications submission in China

obrzázek víza

Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic has issued a protective measure whereby it instructs the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Beijing, Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai, Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Chengdu… more ►

WeChat group for Czech Citizens

Logo WeChat

In order to effectively inform Czech citizens about the latest information concerning the coronavirus, the Czech Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai has established a Wechat group for crisis events "GK-CR-SANGHAJ". more ►

Temporary closure of Czech Visa Application Centers in China

obrzázek víza

Due to the current Coronavirus alert and local administrative restrictions, please note that the Czech Visa Application Centers in China will remain closed until February 16th, 2020. However, the re-opening of the center may change according the… more ►

Apply for SUMMER SCHOOLS of Slavonic Studies 2020!

Study Czech in Czech

The Czech Embassy is opening a call for scholarship applications for the 2020 Summer Schools taking place in various cities in the Czech Republic. The Summer Schools of Slavonic Studies offering intensive Czech language courses are organised by… more ►

#MeToo in China exhibition

#MeToo in China exhibition

From November 30th to December 4th, the Consulate Generals of the Czech Republic, Canada, the United Kingdom, Norway and Sweden in Shanghai jointly organized a series of activities advocating for the elimination of violence against women. more ►

Newly founded Czech chamber in Shanghai will support Czech-China business

Signing ceremony for the foundation of the Chamber

On 5th of November 2019, a Czech chamber was established in Shanghai - CzechCham (Shanghai) Business Consultancy Co., Ltd., 捷商汇(上海)商务服务有限公司. CzechCham will support business between Czech and China and help companies better navigate on the market… more ►

Czech-Chinese Exibition of Photography in Shanghai


Date: 09 June 2019 - 16 June 2019  Venue: Shanghai

Czech-Chine photographic exhibition is being held form 9th June to 15th June at the Shanghai Seven Cube Cultural and Creative International Cooperation and Exchange Centre. more ►

Exibition of paintings of Pavel Roučka


Date: 10 April 2019 - 25 April 2019  Venue: Shanghai Painting Sculpture Institute

The Czech-Chinese dual art exhibition took place under the name „Fugue“ in the art museum Shanghai Painting Sculpture Institute within 10 – 25 April 2019. The Czech painter Mr. Pavel… more ►

Woman’s Safety Forum in Shanghai


Date: 18 March 2019 - 19 March 2019  Venue: Shanghai, Power Station of Art

Shanghai, 18th March 2019 – On the occasion of the 2019 International Women’s Day, the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai organized Women’s Safety Forum. The event was… more ►

Czech-China Business Forum in Shanghai


Date: 26 February 2019  Venue: Shanghai, Czech restaurant Bohemai, Hengshan Road

The Consulate General in Shanghai organized the „Czech-Chinese Business Forum” which took place in the newly opened typical Czech restaurant Bohemia on 26 February 2019 more ►

Visegrad Group Football Cup

V4FC Logo

Shanghai, 21st April 2018 - Consulate General of Hungary organized Footbal Cup at T98 stadium in Pudongu. Team of the Consulate General of the Czech Republic won bronze medal and was the best team of Visegrad Group Consulates. more ►

Exibition "Art for Hearts"


Date: 09 May 2018 - 10 May 2018  Venue: 101 Haifang Lu, near Changhua Lu, Jingan District, Shanghai

Fundrising event. Funds will be used for corrective surgery for Chinese children with congenital hearth defects. Mrs Lucie Loosová, Czech artists living in Shanghai, will exibit her 3 artworks. more ►

Belt & Road Brand Expo 2017

Brand Expo 2017 #1

December 8-10, 2017 Shanghai Exhibition Center: Czech Pavilion owned a total area of 36 sq.m .(6m x 6m) consisted of 4 standard booths. Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai organized four Czech companies to participate in the… more ►

Piano concert in Wuxi

Piano concert Wuxi

On July 20, 2016, the Czech company PETROF organized a piano concert in Wuxi to launch its cooperation with the new business partner - the company Xue Biao Music Art Center. more ►

Meet Czech companies at China Joy Digital Conference and Expo

Czech Republic - Land of Stories

Czech companies Bohemia Interactive and LIPA Learning will introduce their products and services at China Joy Digital Conference and Expo. On July 28-31 the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai in cooperation with CzechInvest will… more ►

New Visa Centre in Hangzhou

VFS Global

New Visa Application Centre in Hangzhou has started its operations. By this step, Consulate General of the Czech Republic extends its services to short-term Schengen visa applicants residing in Shanghai or in provinces of Zhejiang, Jiangsu and… more ►

Czech Beer and Love Mayfest - invitation

Logo Czech Beer and Love MayFest

The Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai and CzechTourism cordially invite you to the Czech Beer and Love Mayfest/Czech Cultural week. more ►

New travel season launched in Shanghai

CzechTourism season 2016 celebration

On January 28, 2016, CzechTourism in cooperation with the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai organized the seminar and the informal opening of the new season for Chinese travel companies and agencies. The event took place in… more ►



Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai wishes you all the best of success in the year 2016. more ►

Legendary Czech rock band "Už jsme doma" performed in Shanghai


Around 450 visitors attended concerts of the legendary rock band from Prague „Už jsme doma“ in the music club YYT Yuyintang and the new Czech Brewery in Shanghai – Krajanek. The music band performed for the first time in China… more ►

New Visa Application Centre in Shanghai

Logo VFS Global

Shanghai, 12th October 2015 – VFS Visa Application Centre in Shanghai started providing its services in receiving short-term Schengen visa applications on behalf of the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai. more ►