Apply for SUMMER SCHOOLS of Slavonic Studies 2020!
21.01.2020 / 04:23 | Aktualizováno: 21.01.2020 / 04:33
The Czech Embassy is opening a call for scholarship applications for the 2020 Summer Schools taking place in various cities in the Czech Republic. The Summer Schools of Slavonic Studies offering intensive Czech language courses are organised by several public universities. The courses are held during the summer months (July – September), their length ranges from 3 to 4 weeks. Do not miss this unique opportunity to spend summer 2020 in Czechia!
The Summer Schools offer language courses at various levels of proficiency, seminars on the Czech literature, culture and history, free-time activities including theatrical, musical and dance performances, trips etc. All relevant information about the Summer Schools, including scholarship application form can be found here:
Application procedure for candidates from the People's Republic of China
Candidates from P.R. China can apply for the following Universities:
- Charles University (Faculty of Arts, Prague)
- Masaryk University (Faculty of Arts, Brno)
- Palacký University in Olomouc (Faculty of Arts, Olomouc)
Application must include:
- application form (form can be downloaded from the website link above, signed, with photo included in the form)
- CV (maximum one page, in English)
- Original motivation letter (maximum one page, in English)
Application must be submitted by mail or in person to the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Beijing by 4pm 21 February (Friday) 2020. Envelope containing all three documents must be sealed. Please make a note on the envelope "SUMMER SCHOOL 2020".
Send you application to
Ms Lin Yushu
Embassy of the Czech Republic
Ritan Lu 2
For inquiries please contact Ms Lin (