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China likes Czech didactic apps. Now they are available on local Android marketplace

End of July in Shanghai is traditionally dedicated to fans of mobile games. The Czech educational company LIPA Learning represented the Czech gaming software at the last China Joy exhibition. The company develops educational aps for children. It took a serious approach to the Chinese market. Their businessmen travel to China regularly, hired a Chinese representative and used the opportunity to set up an office in the Shanghai software park. Now their efforts bring the first results. LIPA Learning apps are available on Lenovo's app platform. Other Czech companies are also interested in the booming Chinese gaming market.

China Joy Digital Entertainment Conference and Expo (July 27-29, 2017) has been among major Asia´s gaming events for years. Many foreign companies consider exhibiting at China Joy as the perfect gateway to the booming Chinese gaming market. Smaller companies such as Czech LIPA Learning would like to establish contacts with local content providers, while big players are considering local investments as well. According to A90sKid.com, China accounts for a quarter of global revenue in the gaming industry. At the end of next year, the domestic gaming industry will generate $ 30 billion a year.

The Czech educational company LIPA Learning first came to China just one year ago. The company took part of a business mission of Czech companies at China Joy Czech National Pavilion organized by the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai. The company also participated in the Hi-Tech Fair in Shenzhen organized by the Czech Embassy in Beijing and CzechTrade Guangzhou. In parallel to its participation in the last China Joy fair held in July, the company informed that it agreed with Chinese Lenovo, which will offer their products in its app store.  "The Chinese market represents for us a huge potential in term of the global development of pre-school education. When introducing applications for China, it is essential to customize our products. We cannot apply the European or North American model that worked in other markets. It is not just a localization of language but a general adaptation of the content to the country´s cultural environment  " states Matouš Márai from LIPA Learning.

The Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai is also in contact with the Czech company TechSophia. Similarly to LIPA Learning, it is striving to develop children's skills through training applications. Marek Pekárek, the representative of the company who lives in Hangzhou with his family ads: "We have a great interest in the Chinese market. We are finalizing the Chinese localization of our pre-school product, which we are testing in Chinese training centers. At the same time, we finished with the Czech version of the home-based mathematics application according to the Czech “Hejný method”. We are considering introducing it in China”.

The growing Chinese gaming market attracts other companies from the Czech Republic. In October 2015, the Czech ICT seminars in Beijing and Shanghai featured Warhorse, Good AI and Keen Software House. During the last China Joy in July 2016, LIPA Learning and Bohemia Interactive were also represented.