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Czech Beer and Love Mayfest - invitation

The Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai and CzechTourism cordially invite you to the Czech Beer and Love Mayfest/Czech Cultural week.

The event will be held on May 6-10 in the Jing´An Park in Shanghai.

Come and enjoy:

  • Cultural performances on May 6 (15:00 – 19:00) and all day long from May 7 to May 8 (11:00 – 19:00) with the free entrance
  • Taste the Czech beer, wine and other top brand Czech products available for sell
  • Let yourself be tempted by the offer to travel to the Czech Republic  and  experience the Land of Stories with one of the most romantic worldwide cities Prague
  • May is the Month of Love. Follow the tradition and kiss your loved one under the blossomed cherry tree



Invitation public en 2 MB PDF (Adobe Acrobat document) Apr 28, 2016