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Open Call: Face to Face Photography Project in Egypt

Face to Face

The Czech Centres Network, under the auspices of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Cairo, invites Egyptian photographers to participate in a major photography project with an international dimension, which aims to share inspiring stories of… more ►

Czech artists at the CairoComix 2023


On behalf of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Cairo and the Czech Centres network we cordially invite you to CairoComix, the biggest comics festival in Egypt. more ►

Invitation: Celebrating Women in Sports

Pozvánka na akci „Oslava žen ve sportu“

On behalf of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Cairo, the Czech Centres network and the Egyptian Ministry of Youth and Sports we would like to invite you to an event celebrating women in sports. more ►

Exhibition of Czech and Egyptian Heroines in Alexandria

Exhibition of Czech and Egyptian Heroines in Alexandria

The successful travelling exhibition "Czech and Egyptian Heroines" has moved to the Library of Alexandria in July 2023. On July 5,2023, the opening speech was given by the director of the library Prof. Dr. Ahmed Zayed, the Ambassador of the… more ►

Invitation on the screening of the Czech movie


On behalf of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Cairo in cooperation with the Czech Centres would like to invite you on the screening of the Czech movie "Panelstory. Birth of Community" by famous Czech female director Vera Chytilová, which… more ►

Czech and Egyptian Heroines in Luxor

Heroines Luxor

We would like to invite you to the opening of the Czech and Egyptian heroines exhibition in the City of Luxor. The opening will take place on March 27, 2023 at 8:30PM in the Misr Public Library of Luxor, in the presence of H.E. Mr. Ivan Jukl,… more ►

Czech and Egyptian Heroines

Czech and Egyptian Heroines

We would like to invite you to the Czech and Egyptian heroines project opening ceremony and the related thematic exhibition. The opening will take place on March 6, 2023 in Aswan on the occasion of the Aswan International Women Film Festival. At… more ►

“Citizen Havel” movie screening

“Citizen Havel” movie screening

Embassy of the Czech Republic in Cairo invites you cordially to the Citizen Havel movie screening. It is co-organised with the Political Science Students' Association at the AUC and the Czech centres network. more ►



We would like to cordially invite you to the international conference dedicated to the former Czech president Vaclav Havel and his legacy to be organised for the first time in Egypt. The conference is called "The Power of Dialogue” and is… more ►

The Path of Czech Egyptology exhibition

The Path of Czech Egyptology

On 1 November 2022, the exhibition "The Path of Czech Egyptology" has been inaugurated in the presence of H.E. Ivan Jukl, Ambassador, Prof. Miroslav Bárta, Head of Czech archeological excavations in Egypt, Associate Prof. Jiří Janák, Director of… more ►

Social event at the Embassy of the Czech Republic

Socia event

On 31st October 2022 the social event has been held at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Cairo on the occasion of the anniversary of the foundation of Czechoslovakia and Presidency of the Czech Republic in EU Council. more ►

The Path of Czech Egyptology

The Path of Czech Egyptology

We cordially invite you to the exhibition The Path of Czech Egyptology which will take place from November 2, 2022 till mid of February 2023 at the Embassy wall. more ►


open call for university students

Dear students! Embassy of the Czech Republic in Cairo, the Václav Havel Library and the Czech Centres network invite you to participate in international project The Václav Havel European Dialogues, taking place for the first time in Egypt (in… more ►

Calling for all Former International Students of Czech Universities

Calling all former international students of Czech universities! The Czech Republic is launching a new alumni programme connecting all international students who have studied at Czech higher education institutions. This is your chance to shape… more ►

Study in the Czech Republic

Study in the Czech Republic

Czech universities offer long-standing reputations, unique conception and interesting specializations. Students can come for a short study visit or to complete their degree in a wide range of traditional as well as newly-emerging disciplines.… more ►

Lessons of the Czech Language available in Hurghada

Lessons of the Czech Language available in Hurghada

Language School Lingua Center in Hurghada offers courses of the Czech Language, covering levels from beginners to upper intermediate. For more information, please contact directly the school or the Czech Language tutor Ms. Monika Smékalová. more ►

Study in the Czech Republic life sessions 2020

Study in CZ

Would you like to know more about life as a student in the Czech Republic? Watch our live session with STUDY IN Media Ambassadors from May 13 and join us for more sessions with international students and representatives of Czech universities! more ►

Prague Spring Festival 2020 online

Prague Spring

Prague Spring will blossom online this year! Please, accept the invitation by our MFA, and join the Prague Spring concerts online! Eleven concerts will form the basis of the alternative programme for the Prague Spring 2020, which will be… more ►

The Ambassador Fulík met two talented Czech tennis players

Linda Fruhvirtova

On February 13, the Czech Ambassador Jan Fulík visited a tennis tournament at Zed Elsheikh Zayed to support two talented Czech players, Ms. Linda Fruhvitova (with her dad Hynek) and Ms. Martina Pradlova. We wish them the best of luck for their… more ►

Czech Expats help Egyptian orphans in Moqqatam


Many thanks to the Czech Expats who help the Egyptian orphans at the Hope Village in Moqqatam! Namely to Mrs. Hana Naassana Janošíková who teaches the kids to bake and organizes various kinds of activities for them; and to the Český krajanský… more ►

The Ambassador Fulík held a lecture at the Ain Shams University

Ain Shams visit

The Czech Ambassador Jan Fulík and the Cultural Attaché Martina Dočkalová visited the department of Czech language at Ain Shams University, and met the dean of Al Alsun (Language) faculty Mrs. Salwa Rashad. Mr. Ambassador held a short lecture… more ►

We too remember. Remembrance Day 2019 at the Heliopolis cemetery

Remembrance Day 2019 at the Heliopolis cemetery

On 10 November 2019, the Czech Ambassador Jan Fulík and the Czech Military Attaché Petr Přebinda attended a ceremony at the Heliopolis military cemetery to remember the soldiers fallen in the world conflicts. We will never forget! more ►

100th Anniversary of the Czech Egyptology


On October 30, 2019, the Czech Embassy in Cairo had the privilege to host a celebration on the occasion of 100th anniversary of the Czech Egyptology. Many thanks to everyone involved! more ►