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Photo: Aly Ramy
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Open Call: Face to Face Photography Project in Egypt

The Czech Centres Network, under the auspices of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Cairo, invites Egyptian photographers to participate in a major photography project with an international dimension, which aims to share inspiring stories of individuals facing cancer.

This initiative draws inspiration from the work of Czech photographer Vladimír Kožíšek, the author of the "Face to Face" exhibition of photographs depicting cancer patients in the Czech Republic. Kožíšek sensitively collected their intimate stories, which were then shared with the public in more than 15 locations.

After last year's presentation of the exhibition at the Czech-Egyptian Oncology
and Telemedicine Forum at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Cairo, we want to enrich this exhibition project with an Egyptian perspective and present it to the Egyptian public in 2024-2025.

Video of the original project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIZpX1_ZC9I


All the necessary information regarding the participation to be found here.

Deadline for the applications: April 30, 2024


Contact person: Tereza Svaskova, svaskova@czechcentres.cz