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Recalling Kafka: A week-long cultural programme on the occasion of Franz Kafka’s 100th anniversary


We are pleased to announce "Recalling Kafka," a week-long cultural programme commemorating Franz Kafka's 100th anniversary. Organized by the Goethe-Institut Myanmar with the generous support of the German Embassy in Yangon and in collaboration… more ►

European Travel Authorization and Information System

In connection with the implementation of the ETIAS system (European Travel Authorization and Information System), EU member states are registering increased public interest in more detailed information on its launch, now planned for 2024.… more ►

Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic on World Press Freedom Day ကမ္ဘာ့စာနယ်ဇင်းလွတ်လပ်ခွင့်နေ့နှင့် ပတ်သက်၍ ချက်သမ္မတနိုင်ငံ နိုင်ငံခြားရေး၀န်ကြီးဌာန ၏သတင်းထုတ်ပြန်ချက်


The World Press Freedom Day is annually observed on May 3. On this occasion, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic would like to express its gratitude to all brave journalists and media professionals and to reassure them of the… more ►

Myanmar: Statement by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the dissolution of democratic political parties

မြန်မာ- ဒီမိုကရေစီလိုလားသည့် နိုင်ငံရေး ပါတီများ ဖျက်သိမ်းခြင်းနှင့် ပတ်သက်၍ ဥရောပသမဂ္ဂ အဆင့်မြင့်ကိုယ်စားလှယ် ၏ ပြောကြားချက် On 28 March, the military-appointed Union Election Commission of Myanmar decided to dissolve forty political parties,… more ►

Czechia has a new president (ချက်နိုင်ငံသမ္မတအသစ်ရွေးကောက်တင်‌‌မြောက်)

Czechia has a new president – Petr Pavel, a former army general who has extensive experience in the military and international relations. President Pavel's inauguration ceremony took place on 9th March 2023, marking the start of his… more ►

Czechia sends hundreds of heavy military systems worth tens of billions to Ukraine during the first year of Russian invasion

In the first year of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Czechia has delivered dozens of tanks, combat and armoured vehicles and other heavy military systems to Ukraine. Roughly one third of the material came from the Czech Army, the rest was… more ►

Statement by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the 2nd anniversary of the military take-over

On 1 February 2021, the Myanmar military overthrew by force the country’s democratically elected government, in blatant violation of the will of the people as expressed in the general elections of 8 November 2020. more ►

Joint Statement on Attacks on Civilians in Kachin State

We are following reports of a military air strike targeting a Kachin gathering resulting in the deaths of a large number of civilians. Indiscriminate attacks which include civilian victims continue to cause extraordinary harm and suffering… more ►

Myanmar/Burma: Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the execution of pro-democracy and opposition leaders in Myanmar/Burma

Myanmar’s military regime has executed former NLD Member of Parliament Phyo Zeya Thaw, prominent activist Kyaw MinYu, widely known as ‘Ko Jimmy’ as well as Aung Thura Zaw, and Hla Myo Aung. The European Union strongly condemns… more ►

A joint statement on Armed Forces Day in Myanmar

A joint statement on Armed Forces Day in Myanmar by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union and the Foreign Ministers of Albania, Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Georgia, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Marshall Islands, the… more ►

International Women´s Day 2022 – a Czech present for women in Myanmar


On the occasion of International Women´s Day 2022 the Czech Embassy in Yangon is delighted to present a gift to women in Myanmar. more ►

Media Freedom Coalition statement on media freedom and the safety of journalists in Myanmar

Since the military coup on February 1, 2021, the Myanmar regime’s security forces continue to undermine media freedom and violate and abuse the human rights of journalists in the country. Regime authorities have revoked the operating… more ►

Myanmar: Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union

One year ago, on 1 February 2021, the military authorities in Myanmar forcibly overthrew the civilian government in blatant violation of the will of the people as expressed in the general elections of 8 November 2020. This act halted the… more ►

Joint Statement on Attacks on Civilians in Karen State

We reiterate our condemnation of the serious human rights violations committed by the Myanmar Security Forces across the country. more ►

Award ceremony for successful participants of the International Children's Exhibition of Fine Arts Lidice 2021


On 13 December 2021, the Deputy to Ambassador presented awards to pupils and students who succeeded in the 49th International Children's Exhibition of Fine Arts Lidice. more ►

Statement of the Czech MFA on the Occasion of Human Rights Day


On 10 December, every year, we commemorate the international Human Rights Day as we mark the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The objective of the declaration was to ensure universal recognition and preservation of human… more ►

Myanmar/Burma: Declaration by the High Representative Josep Borrell on behalf of the European Union on the situation

Today, President Win Myint, State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi and Mayor Myo Aung were sentenced to jail terms in Myanmar. Their trial was politically motivated. It represents another step towards the dismantling of the rule of law and a further… more ►

The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Yangon has joined the "Orange the World" Campaign


The International Day against Violence against Women, which falls on 25 November, was also commemorated this year at the Czech Embassy in Yangon. The Embassy actively participated in the campaign "Orange the World - 16 Days of Activism against… more ►

Temporary Suspension of Authentication and Notarization Services


We would like to inform you that due to technical and personal reasons, there will be temporary suspension of authentication and notarization services at our Embassy from 15 December 2021 to 14 January 2022. We apologize for any inconvenience… more ►

Joint Statement by Ambassadors to Myanmar

Statement from Diplomatic Missions to Myanmar on World Press Freedom Day

On World Press Freedom Day, we pay tribute to the essential role of journalism in upholding online and offline freedom of expression. Media freedom is a cornerstone of democratic societies and a source of legitimacy that should be… more ►

Joint Statement by Ambassadors to Myanmar


Two months ago, on February 9, Mya Thwe Thwe Khine was shot while taking cover under a bus shelter during a protest in Naypyidaw. She was 19. Since then, over 600 civilians have been killed in Myanmar, many of them while protesting for… more ►

Statement of the MFA on the Escalation of Violence in Myanmar

We are horrified by the violence perpetrated this weekend by military and police in Myanmar against civilians and even small children. The Czech Republic condemns in the strongest terms the escalation of such brutality which cost another more… more ►

Joint Statement by Ambassadors to Myanmar

The brutal violence ​against unarmed civilians by the security forces in Hlaing Tharyar and elsewhere in Myanmar, often under the cover of darkness, is immoral and indefensible. We call on Myanmar’s military to cease all violence against… more ►

Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic on Violence in Myanmar

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has with indignation received reports of the escalation of violence by the armed forces against the population of Myanmar, which has claimed more than 50 victims, including women and monks, over the past weekend.… more ►

Tweet by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Condemning Brutal Repressions Towards Peaceful Myanmar Protestors

We condemn the violence carried by the military and the police in #Myanmar against peaceful demonstrators that has escalated further in the last few days. Use of violence is unacceptable and we therefore call on the military in Myanmar to stop… more ►

Statement by Ambassadors in Yangon

We call on security forces to refrain from violence against demonstrators and civilians, who are protesting the overthrow of their legitimate government. more ►

Minister Petříček bids farewell to recalled Ambassador of Myanmar


On 9 February, Minister of Foreign Affairs Tomáš Petříček received the Ambassador of Myanmar, H. E. Mrs. Kay Thi Soe. Shortly after the military coup in Myanmar, she was recalled from her post in Prague back to the capital. more ►

Joint Statement by Diplomatic Missions in Myanmar

January 29, 2021 We affirm our support for Myanmar's democratic transition and efforts to promote peace, human rights, and development in the country. We look forward to the peaceful convening of the Parliament on February 1 and the election… more ►

Robot and Artificial Intelligence - Would You Like to Explore and Compete?


A hundred years ago, in his drama R.U.R., the Czech writer Karel Čapek used the word 'robot' for the first time. Thinking about how to call artificial workers, he sought advice with his brother, the painter Josef Čapek. "Call them Robots,"… more ►

Statement of the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the General Elections in Myanmar


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic appreciates the peaceful and orderly conduct of the elections in Myanmar, in particular the fact that both the people responsible for the preparation and holding of the elections and the… more ►

The Czech Republic Alumni Initiative


The Czech Republic Alumni Initiative is a new programme of the Czech National Agency for International Education and is intended for all foreigners, who have studied at Czech higher education institutions, without limiting the length of study,… more ►

Wathann Film Festival 10# went online this year


The 10th edition of Wathann Independent Film Festival, which has been financially supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic since its very beginning, took place From 10 to 18 October 2020. more ►

A discussion in the Myanmar National Human Rights Commision


On 10 August 2020, the Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Myanmar, Mrs. Hana Mottlová, paid her initial visit to the Myanmar National Human Rights Commission (MNHRC). She was received by the MNHRC Chairman U Hla Myint, Vice Chair Dr. Nanda Hmun… more ►

Live Czech Concerts Presented to Public


The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Yangon was proud and delighted to present Czech culture to the public in Myanmar. Myanmar friends from all walks of life were invited you to enjoy a series of wonderful live Czech concerts, performed in the… more ►

"Study in the Czech Republic" - New Activities and Information Sources


From 13 to 29 May 2020, The Centre for International Cooperation in Education of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic organized short "Live Sessions" to support studies in our country as a part of the "Study in the… more ►

On World Press Freedom Day, a Nod to the Role of Journalists in a Time of Crisis


By European Union diplomats in Myanmar, published in The Irrawaddy on 3 May 2020. Today is World Press Freedom Day 2020. Although the global struggle to deal with COVID-19 prevents us from coming together to celebrate this day with our… more ►

Statement from Ambassadors to Myanmar

Following is the Statement from Ambassadors to Myanmar of 1 April 2020 regarding the call of the UN Secretary General for implementing a global ceasefire. more ►

Interministerial Consultations with Myanmar led by Deputy Foreign Minister Tlapa


Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Martin Tlapa met with Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar U Soe Han on March 3, 2020. The main topics of this round of regular consultations were the… more ►

Jan Horník, Vice-President of the Senate of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic and his delegation visited Myanmar

From 8 to 14 February 2020, a delegation of the Senate Committee on Public Administration, Regional Development and the Environment led by Vice-President of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic Jan Horník visited Myanmar. more ►

Myanmar’s health care sector is interested in Czech products, however the Czech exporters should be prepared for local specifics


Export opportunities for Czech producers and distributors of pharmaceutical products and medical equipment were discussed by Hana Mottlová, the Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Myanmar and Dr. Zaw Moe Khine, the chairman of Myanmar… more ►

47th edition of the ICEFA Lidice - honorary mentions for students in Myanmar


On 13 December 2019, V. Michalík, Deputy Head of Mission of the Czech Embassy in Yangon, presented honorable mentions to students who attended the 47th ICEFA Lidice. more ►

Czech National Day Reception and Inauguration of an Exhibition on the Occassion of the 30th Anniversary of the Velvet Revolution


On November 15, 2019, the Czech National Day reception was held in the premises of the National Museum of Myanmar in Yangon. At the same time the official opening of an exhibition on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution… more ►

Ambassador Hana Mottlová presented her credentials

On the 13th November 2019 H.E. Ambassador Hana Mottlová presented her credentials to H.E. U Win Myint, the President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and assumed her duties as the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech… more ►

The Czechs participate again at the European Film Festival


From 13 to 29 September 2019, the European Film Festival took place in Mandalay and Yangon. For the second time since its reopening, the Embassy of the Czech Republic presented a Czech film in the adult category to the Myanmar public. more ►

International Day of Democracy - the Czech Embassy Statement

On behalf of the Delegation of the European Union, as well as on behalf of the Member States’ Diplomatic missions resident to the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, The Embassy of the Czech Republic would like to present the following… more ►

International Day of Democracy - the Czech Embassy Statement

On behalf of the Delegation of the European Union, as well as on behalf of the Member States’ Diplomatic missions resident to the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, The Embassy of the Czech Republic would like to present the following… more ►

Czech Universities and Students' Associations Presented at Yadanabon University in Mandalay


On 7 August 2019, Viktor Michalík, Deputy Head of Mission, visited Yadanabon University in Mandalay on the invitation of the local Students’ Union. During his visit he was met by the Rector, Prof. Dr. Maung Maung Naing, with whom he… more ►

Franz Kafka Festival in Yangon


From June 19 to June 23 2019, The Franz Kafka Festival, organized by the Czech Embassy in close cooperation with the Goethe Institute and other partners - Japan Foundation, the Embassy of Switzerland, the French Cultural Institute and PEN… more ►

The Czech Embassy welcomes an inspirative article on Czech-Myanmar relations

On 30 May 2019 Myanmar web newspaper 7Day Daily published a nice article showing Czech-Myanmar relations from Myanmar perspective. You may find it here. more ►

New Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic in Mandalay opened

On May 19, 2019, the Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic in Mandalay was officially inaugurated. more ►

Press Release of Poetizer: a new social networking site

(21.03.2019, Prague) In light of the recent horrific terrorist attack in Christchurch in New Zealand and the general rise of movements tied to xenophobia, anti-semitism, Islamophobia, and anti-immigrant sentiment, poetry can be a much-needed… more ►

Czech A-Sar-A-Sa - Czech Cuisine Presentation in Yangon


As a part of the celebrations of this year's Czech/Czechoslovak anniversaries, the Czech Food Fest in Yangon was officially inaugurated at Sule Shangri-la hotel on 26 November 2018 under the name "Czech A-Sar-A-Sa". more ►

Aung San Suu Kyi Appreciated the Czech Republic's Assistance to Myanmar Drug Addicts


On 19 October 2018, as a part of the monitoring of our small scale local development project "Renovation of the Drug Rehabilitation Center”, Ambassador J. Doleček attended its opening ceremony in Myitkyina, the capital of the Kachin state.… more ►

National Day Reception in Nay Pyi Taw - Celebrating 100 Years of Statehood


On 28 October 2018, the National Day Reception was held in Hilton Nay Pyi Taw to celebrate the centenary of the Czech/Czechoslovak statehood. more ►

Czech Faitful Days Exhibition opened in Yangon on International Day of Democracy


On Saturday, September 15, 2018, the exhibition "Czech Fateful Dates," prepared by our Embassy in cooperation with curator Dana Kyndrová and Czech Centers, was officially opened at the Myanmar National Museum in Yangon. more ►

European Film Festival Brings a Czech Film to Yangon


During European Film Festival, a Czech Film Pelíšky (Cosy Dens) will be screened in Yangon twice - in Goethe Villa and in Nay Pyi Taw Cinema. more ►

2018 Schuman Awards presented


The European Union in Myanmar honoured Cheery Zahau, Ko Swe Win and Daw Khin Than Htwe with this year's Schuman Award for Human Rights. The three activists and human rights defenders received the award recognising their outstanding merits in… more ►

Czech Classical Music Concerts in Yangon


On December 14 and 15, 2017, the first concerts of Czech classical music were performed in the history of Myanmar. more ►

Seminar on Czech Glass Making


On Sunday, July 23, 2017, Association of Myanmar Architects held the seminar "Czech Glass Making, Art of Light Sculptures and Stained Glass in Architecture“ more ►

Czech Castles Exhibition in Myanmar


On Thursday, September 28, 2017, the exhibition "Czech Castles and Chateaux" was officially opened at the Myanmar National Museum in Rangoon, prepared by our National Museum in cooperation with the National Heritage Institute of the Czech… more ►

Government Scholarships for Myanmar Students - Academic Year 2018/2019

The Government of the Czech Republic awards 8 scholarships for students from Myanmar for academic year 2018/2019. Hereby, the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Yangon calls for applications for students from Myanmar. Register on-line before… more ►

Celebrations of the 80th anniversary of Václav Havel's Birth in Myanmar


On 17 and 18 November 2016, celebrations of the 80th anniversary of the birth of former Czech president Václav Havel were held in the cities of Nay Pyi Taw and Yangon. more ►

Minister Jan Mládek on Official Visit to Myanmar/Burma


H. E. Mr. Jan Mládek, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, conducted an official visit to Myanmar/Burma from October 30th to November 1st, 2016. more ►

Czech National Day Celebrations in Myanmar


On October 28 and October 31 2016, the Embassy held two events, one in Yangon and one in Nay Pyi Taw, to celebrate the National Day of the Czech Republic. more ►

Embassy of the Czech Republic at the European Film Festival in Yangon


For the first time after its reopening, the Czech Embassy in Yangon participated at the European Film Festival in Yangon more ►

Statement of the MFA on Status of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv

With reference to some media reports on the status of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs informs about the following: more ►