Economy and Trade
About the Commercial Section
The major goal of the Commercial Section of the Czech Embassy is to promote the mutual business relations between Czechia and the State of Israel. Having that in mind, we help Czech companies to identify business opportunities and relevant business counterparts, we promote establishing of relations with the Israeli authorities and if necessary, we try to solve problems that arise.
The above said by far does not mean that we neglect assisting Israeli companies. Up to a large extent the Commercial Section is glad to provide Israeli business entities with information about their counterparts in Czechia and about relevant business opportunities. Should you be interested, we will also help you in contacting respective Czech government and non-government agencies that assist foreign investors or exporters in reaching out to the Czech market. All in all, we welcome any business inquiries and we encourage you to initially approach us via email TelAviv.commerce@mzv.gov.cz.
Contact us:
Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tel Aviv
23, Zeitlin St.
POB 16361
61664 Tel Aviv
Tel: +972-3-691 1210
Fax: +972-3-695 1051
Email: TelAviv.commerce@mzv.gov.cz