Israeli Game Developers Attended Game Developers Session 2019 in Prague
05.12.2019 / 13:12 | Aktualizováno: 05.12.2019 / 13:15
On 28 November - 30 November 2019, the Game Developers Session 2019 conference took place in the National House in Vinohrady, Prague 2, with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and Prague. The goal for further development of the gaming industry is to support, develop and internationalize Czech business entities. The project brought together representatives of the Czech gaming scene focusing on game development with foreign partners during the Game Developers Session (GDS) conference. A partial goal of the incoming business mission was to introduce the local business and startup environment to foreign companies along with the possibility of their reallocation or expansion to Prague.
Czech and foreign companies were connected within the Game Developers Session conference, which is the most important conference of game developers organized in the Czech Republic with international participation of companies from the CEE region and more than 900 participants. The conference offered an ideal opportunity for foreign companies that participated in the two-day program, exhibited at the India Expo, attended b2b meetings and other accompanying program. In addition, other tailor-made events in the form of an informal reception, a visit to Prague companies, or a pitching session were realized within the project. The program also presented the local business and startup ecosystem with all the benefits and opportunities of doing business in Prague.
The gaming industry is a very promising and developing field. Czech authors launch gaming titles that stand out in global competition, as evidenced by the turnover of Czech developers, which last year exceeded three billion crowns and grew by 34% year-on-year. The largest game developer in the Czech Republic is Bohemia Interactive with 350 employees based in Prague, as well as the majority of Czech developers.
There were meetings with representatives of the most important game studios in Prague:
Bohemia Interactive - Prague 5, Smichov
It is a development company founded in 1999 that specializes in the development of gaming software and related research in real-time 3D graphics, artificial intelligence and physical simulation. Her specialization is combat simulations.
SCS Software (www.scssoft.com)
It is one of the largest Czech companies in the field of game development. Since 1997 he has been focusing on the development of simulators for which he uses his own game engine. He has made famous titles such as Euro Truck Simulator and American Truck Simulator. Premises of the company are very interesting, about 160 m2 works about 160 people.
Geewa, Inc. (https://www.geewa.com/)
Geewa is a Czech game development studio based in Prague, founded in 2005. It focuses on the development of "casual" competitive multiplayer games that can be played across different platforms such as web browsers or mobile devices. Their titles include Smashing Four. This strategy turn-based mobile game based on billiard physics reached the top 250 of the most profitable US games a few months after its release on iTunes, playing over 200,000 players a day.
Keen Software House (https://www.keenswh.com/)
Keen Software House a. S. Is a game development company, founded in 2010. It focuses mainly on computer games, such as Space Engineers, which won this year's CEEGA awards. This game takes place in space and is mostly based on real physical facts. The project of the incoming mission of gaming industry representatives to Prague aimed to connect
Prague gaming industry representatives with foreign partners from selected countries. A partial goal was to introduce the local startup and business environment to foreign startups so that it would be attractive for them to reallocate or expand to Prague (fulfillment of another objective of economic diplomacy - transfer of technology and companies with added value from abroad to Prague).