Participation at the IMTM 2024 tourism fair
11.04.2024 / 13:52 | Aktualizováno: 11.04.2024 / 13:56
With the support of the Israeli-Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCCI) and the Karlovy Vary Region, the Tel Aviv Office managed to secure the participation of the Czech Republic at the IMTM2024 tourism fair in Tel Aviv. The course of the fair confirmed the strong and growing interest of Israeli tourists in the Czech Republic and the prospects of the Israeli market for Czech inbound tourism.
The 30th anniversary edition of the traditional IMTM 2024 travel and leisure trade fair took place at the Tel Aviv Exhibition Centre from 3 to 4 April 2024. It is the largest event of its kind in Israel, usually attended by over 20,000 travel professionals and tens of thousands of visitors. Originally scheduled for February 14-15, the fair was postponed by less than two months due to the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip. The Czech Republic has long been one of the most popular tourist destinations for Israelis, with around 180,000 visitors each year. The interest of Israelis in travelling abroad and in the tourist attractions on offer, especially in the leisure and spa segments, is not waning in the current situation, quite the contrary. The Czech Republic is perceived in Israel not only as an attractive tourist destination, but in recent months, with the growing manifestations of anti-Semitism in many countries, also as a traditionally friendly and safe country for Israeli citizens. We can therefore expect a further increase in interest in travelling to the Czech Republic. For example, from 23 May this year, a direct air service between Tel Aviv and Karlovy Vary will start operating.
Participation in IMTM 2024 was secured with the support of the Israel-Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCCI) and the Karlovy Vary Region. On the occasion of IMTM, Ambassador Kuchyňová Šmigolová attended a breakfast with the Israeli Minister of Tourism Chaim Katz, who then visited the Czech stand in person. The scope of the fair and the number of exhibitors was understandably influenced by the current situation in Israel. Of the European countries, only Greece, Cyprus and Romania had their stands here, apart from the Czech Republic. However, the presence of the Czech Republic was all the more intensely perceived and appreciated by the visitors.
The course of IMTM 2024 and the great interest of Israeli professionals and the public in travelling to the Czech Republic confirmed that Israel remains an attractive territory for Czech inbound tourism with great growth potential, especially in the spa sector.