Networking business lunch at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tel Aviv
23.01.2024 / 18:15 | Aktualizováno: 29.01.2024 / 09:55
On the occasion of the visit of the President of the Czech Republic, H. E. Petr Pavel, to the State of Israel (15 – 16 January 2024), the Embassy of the Czech Republic had a pleasure to host a networking buffet-lunch for members of the business part of the Czech delegation and representatives of important Israeli economic institutions and businesses.
The Czech business delegation was headed by Mr. Radek Špicar, VP of the Confederation of
Industry of the Czech Republic. He was accompanied by Ms. Marie Vopálenská - DG of the
Association of Manufacturers of Railroad Industry of the Czech Republic, Mr. Jiří Plecitý -
representative of Association of Manufacturers of Medical Devices of the Czech Republic, Mr. Tomáš Pluhařík - CEO of the CyWeTa software company and prof. Jan Konvalinka - Director of the Institute of the Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
We were particularly pleased to have a chance to welcome key figures of Israeli economic bodies -
Ms. Sabine Segal, VP of the Export Institute of Israel, Mr. Amir Shani, VP of the Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce, and Ms. Dafna Kaplansky, Director of the Division of Foreign Trade and International Relations of the Manufacturers’ Association of Israel – as well as representatives of the Israeli-Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Mr. Eli Fischer, President, Mr. David Hercky, Chairman, and Mr. Assaf Dovrat, CEO.
The presidential visit once more demonstrated the Czech Republic’s solidarity with Israel and close
friendship of the two countries. The business lunch and its cordial atmosphere confirmed the interest of both countries to further develop not only their political ties, but also their economic cooperation, and provided a unique platform to foster new connections and explore new fields of collaboration.