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Archive 2017

Christmas charity bazaar in Sofia

Náš tým/Our team

Also this year, Embassy of the Czech Republic was the participant of the annual charity bazaar in Sofia, which is – in the opinion of organisers – the biggest charity event at the Balkan. On 3rd December 2017 23rd Charity bazaar was… more ►

Opening of the monument of Proshek brothers in Sofia


On the 14th of November 2017 Dušan Štrauch, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic in Bulgaria, took part in the solemn opening of the monument of Proshek brothers - Jiri and Bogdan. more ►

The Ambassador of the Czech Republic visited Sliven and the region


On the 27th of September 2017 the Ambassador of the Czech Republic visited the Mayor of Sliven Mr. Stefan Radev on the occasion of the solemn signing of a contract with the Czech company SOR Libchavy for delivery of 27 new buses for the… more ►

The Ambassador's wife invited Czech countrywomen to lunch

Setkání krajanek na rezidenci velvyslance

Mrs. Terézia Štrauchová, the wife of the Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Bulgaria, invited Czech countrywomen to a friendly lunch at the Ambassador's residence on the 12th of October 2017. The participation in the event was great. more ►

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