„The Elementary School“– Jan Svěrák in Husets Biograf


The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Copenhagen and Husets Biograf cordially invite you to the movie night, which will take place on Tuesday 7th September from 7:30 p.m. in Husets Biograf, Rådshusstræde 13, Copenhagen K. 

Ambassador Radek Pech met with Ole Hammer from LEGO


On August 5, Ambassador, Mr. Radek Pech met with Mr. Ole Hammer, LEGO's Director of Public Relations. 

Prague European Summit 2021


On 12-14 July top European officials, members of academia, representatives of think-tanks, as well as delegates from the corporate sphere and media will gather in Prague’s Czernin palace to debate issues concerning the future of the… 

Czech music footprint at the baroque meeting "Den lille Sommerfestival"


The so-called Little Summer Festival ("Den lille Sommerfestival") celebrating the beauty of Baroque music will take place in Southern Jutland from 2 to 31 July. Czech artists can be seen as part of a Danish-German-Czech colaboration project.