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Screening of the film “Wrong Side Up“


On December 17, 2008, the Czech Embassy arranged the last film evening of the year 2008 by screening the film “Wrong Side Up” by Petr Zelenka. more ►

European Glass Context 2008


European Glass Context 2008 forms part of a biennial symposium for European Contemporary glass and ceramics more ►

Czech Days in Greenland


During "the Czech Days in Greenland” 3 – 7 September 2008, a presentation of Czech economy, culture, and tourism took place in Katuaq, the Culture Centre of Nuuk. more ►

The Ambassador Meets Mayors of Århus and Odense


On 19 August 2008, Ambassador Zdeněk Lyčka met up with Mr Nicolai Wammen, Mayor of Århus. They discussed the prepared presentation of the Czech Republic in Århus during the Czech Presidency in the EU, the Czech studies at the University of Århus… more ►

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