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Photo: Oto Weniger
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Ambassador Radek Pech met with Ole Hammer from LEGO

On August 5, Ambassador, Mr. Radek Pech met with Mr. Ole Hammer, LEGO's Director of Public Relations.

On the meeting with the new Director of the Government and Public Department was discussed not only the interesting history of LEGO and its ambitious plans for the future, but also the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the economy and, last but not least, cooperation with the Czech Republic the second half of 2022.

The meeting reaffirmed that the Czech Republic still has an irreplaceable part in the company's value chain thanks to the LEGO production line in Kladno.

Ole Hammer gave the Ambassador a kind present in the form of a modern replica of the iconic toy "duck", referring to the rich history of LEGO's production.

Iconic LEGO toy "duck"

Iconic LEGO toy "duck"