„Ecstasy“– Gustav Machatý in Husets Biograf
10.09.2021 / 17:21 | Aktualizováno: 07.02.2022 / 15:41
On Tuesday 5th October, the Czech Embassy in Copenhagen arranged another film night in Husets Biograf. For the first truly autumn month, we've chosen a classic movie of the Czechoslovak interwar cinematography, Ecstasy (1932) directed by Gustav Machatý, who would celebrate the 120th anniversary of his birth this year.
Eva, the daughter of a landowner, marries the well-off but many years older Emil Jermann. Upon returning from the marriage ceremony to their luxurious Prague apartment she realizes her mistake: her husband shows no interest in her as a woman. The sensitive girl suffers from his cold and bachelor's meticulousness so much that she returns to her father's estate and requests a divorce on grounds of insuperable revulsion. While bathing in the pond Eva meets Adam, a young civil engineer working close by on a highway construction site. The man is the exact opposite of her husband: though he looks robust, he acts gently. During a night-time storm Eva goes after him to his house and becomes his lover. Only now does she know the passion of love. Her husband receives a court dispatch and sets off after Eva and beseeches her, to no avail, to return. On the way back he comes across Adam and realizes who he is. Both men are staying in a village inn where Eva comes to visit Adam. The husband commits suicide in his room. His death comes between the lovers. Adam returns to his work, Eva gives birth to a child.
(Source: CSFD.cz, NFA/Filmovyprehled.cz)
Invitation: "Ecstasy", Husets Biograf, 5. 10. 2021 (JPG, 231 KB)