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Screening of the movie "Wings of Fame"


On 11 December 2013 the Czech Embassy in Copenhagen in cooperation with Husets Biograf arranged the screening of the movie „Wings of Fame„ by Otakar Votoček, Czech director in exile. The film was to be shown on the occasion of the director´s… more ►

The Czech film „The Great Night“ at CPH:DOX 2013


From 7 to 17 November 2013 CPH:DOX - Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival took place. For the third time in a row a Czech movie was chosen for the festival´s main competition DOX:AWARD. This year the movie „The Great Night“ by… more ►

The Czech opera “Katja Kabanova“ at the Royal Theatre


The Danish National Opera presented the Czech opera "Katja Kabanova" by Leoš Janáček on Sunday 10 November 2013 at the Royal Theatre in Copenhagen. Pavla Vykopalová, one of the most typecast Czech sopranos, starred in the leading role. more ►

Screening of the movie „Who Wants to Kill Jessie?“


On 6 November 2013 the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Copenhagen and Husets Biograf arranged another movie night. This time we prepared the Czech classic „Who Wants to Kill Jessie?“ by director Václav Vorlíček. The author of the illustrations… more ►

The new Ambassador presented credentials


The new extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the Czech Republic to Denmark Jiří Brodský presented his credentials to Danish Queen Margrethe II on Tuesday 8 October 2013 at 2:30 p.m. at the castle of Fredensborg. He hereby formally… more ►

Meeting with the Danish importer of Škoda Auto


Ambassador Jiří Brodský visited the central office of the Danish company Skandinavisk Motor Co. A/S which is the sole representative of the car factory Škoda Auto a.s. in Mladá Boleslav. more ►

Screening of the documentary „Solar Eclipse“


On 2 October 2013 the Czech Embassy in Copenhagen launched a new film season in Husets Biograf with the screening of the documentary „Solar Eclipse“ by the director Martin Mareček. The movie was awarded three times at The Jihlava International… more ►

Exhibition by The Forman Brothers' Theatre in Denmark


The international puppet theatre festival "Festival of Wonder" in Silkeborg presented as a part of the program the interactive exhibition „Theatre in Movement – People and Puppets on Stage“ by The Forman Brothers' Theatre. more ►

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