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30th anniversary of the Visegrad cooperation

30 years of Visegrad cooperation

Thirty years ago, on 15 February 1991, the presidents of Poland and Czechoslovakia and the prime minister of Hungary signed the Declaration on Cooperation between the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, the Republic of Poland and the Republic of… more ►

The Czech word ROBOT celebrates its 100th anniversary this year

On January 25, 2021, it´s been 100 years since the premiere performance of Karel Čapek's theatre play called R. U. R. took the place at the Czech National Theatre in Prague. The word ROBOT first appeared in the play, which soon became an… more ►

The Czech word ROBOT celebrates its 100th anniversary this year


On January 25, 2021, it´s been 100 years since the premiere performance of Karel Čapek's theatre play called R. U. R. took the place at the Czech National Theatre in Prague. The word ROBOT first appeared in the play, which soon became an… more ►

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