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„The Elementary School“– Jan Svěrák in Husets Biograf

The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Copenhagen and Husets Biograf cordially invite you to the movie night, which will take place on Tuesday 7th September from 7:30 p.m. in Husets Biograf, Rådshusstræde 13, Copenhagen K.

For the September screening, we have chosen a famous Czechoslovak comedy The Elementary School (1991) directed by Jan Svěrák. Our top choice both to celebrate new school year, and remember all great actors, who had their birthday anniversaries (Zdeněk Svěrák) or unfortunately passed away this year (Libuše Šafránková).  

The Elementary School comedy is a feature-film directorial debut for the then 26-year-old Jan Svěrák, who received an Oscar nomination in 1992 for Best Foreign Film. Scriptwriter Zdenek Sverak has created an autobiographical mosaic of his childhood memories, returning to the time when he was ten years old.


The story takes place just after World War II., during the academic year 1945-46. Ten-year-old Eda and his friend Tonda attend an elementary school in Prague suburbs. They are pupils of an all-boy class, which is famous for its bad behaviour. No wonder one day the teacher is drive out of her mind. Although it seems there exists no remedy, nevertheless… Igor Hnízdo – allegedly the hero of several military operations – an energetic, uncompromising and just man, replaces the teacher. His only weakness is his great interest in the fair sex. In no time, the little tyrants who have been taken by surprise turn into meek sheep, ready to defend their new teacher at any time and any place. Reticent Eda watches him, comparing him with his own “unvaliant” father who, in reality, my however have been and probably is much more of a hero.


Click here for more information about screening and link to buy the tickets.

Invitation: "The Elementary School" (PDF, 134 KB)

(Source: Sverak.cz, CSFD.cz, Lucernafilm)