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The European Union Film Festival 2024 in Toronto


Date: 14 November 2024 - 28 November 2024  Venue: Spadina Theatre (Alliance Francaise), 24 Spadina Rd, Toronto

As every fall, the popular EU film festival returns to Toronto. All 27 member states plus Ukraine bring to the Canadian public the most recent and most interesting movies. Fot this special 20th edition… more ►

Czech National Day celebration


Date: 27 October 2024  Venue: St Wenceslaus Church, 496 Gladstone avenue, Toronto

On the occasion of the 106th anniversary of the founding of Czechoslovakia, the Consulate General in cooperation with the musical cycle Nocturnes in the City would like to invite you to a concert of Czech… more ►

Kafka’s World: Graphic Novel meets VR

Kafka’s World: Graphic Novel meets VR

Presented by the Goethe-Institut & the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Toronto This double exhibition brings together a VR experience around Kafka’s The Metamorphosis and a re-imagining of The Castle by graphic artist… more ►

Renáta Fučíková: Beyond Kafka


Date: 19 September 2024  Venue: Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, University of Toronto, room 108N, 1 Devonshire Place, Toronto, ON, M5S 3K7

Time flies by and swirls in the twists of human fates. It leaves its marks on building walls, its footprints on cobblestones, and its traces in our hearts. The city of Prague, its stories and famous… more ►

Radim Zenkl - Mandolin and more


Date: 24 March 2024  Venue: St. Wenceslaus Church, 496 Gladstone Avenue, Toronto

World famous mandolin player Radim Zenkl returns to Toronto with a new exciting program as part of the Czech Year of Music. more ►

CZECH THAT FILM 2024 in Toronto


Date: 26 March 2024 - 27 March 2024  Venue: Alliance francaise, 24 Spadina Road, Toronto

We bring again the best of the Czech recent film production plus a legendary classic of Karel Zeman The Invention for Destruction to Toronto. Our special guests this year will be Ludmila and Linda Zeman,… more ►

Year of Czech Music 2024 starts in Toronto


Date: 03 March 2024  Venue: St.Wenceslaus Church, 496 Gladstone Avenue, Toronto

Years ending in a four have a similar significance in Czech music as the years ending in eight for the whole nation and the country. Strangely enough, they often coincide with the anniversaries of the… more ►

Guitarist Pavel Steidl on the Canadian tour

Pavel Steidl in Toronto

“Here was a guitarist who knew how to laugh with the music and share the joke with his audience. But behind the entertainer lies a serious artist… Never was a standing ovation more richly deserved. Pavel Steidl had won the hearts… more ►

Czech film Il Boemo as part of the EU Film Festival


Date: 27 November 2023  Venue: Spadina Theatre - Alliance Francaise, 24 Spadina Road (metro Spadina), Toronto

The extraordinary and unknown life story of Josef Myslivecek -"Il Boemo"-, one of the most prolific opera composers in 18th century Italy, who inspired Mozart and became his friend. Very demanded in Naples… more ►

Piano concert of Jan Čmejla


Date: 29 October 2023  Venue: St.Wenceslaus Church 496 Gladstone Avenue, Toronto, Ontario

On the occasion of the 105th anniversary of the founding of Czechoslovakia, the Consulate General in cooperation with the musical cycle Nocturnes in the City would like to invite you to a concert by the… more ►

Russian invasion of Ukraine: How to report from a warzone


Date: 27 September 2023  Venue: Munk School, 1 Devonshire Place, North House, class 208N

One of the most prominent Czech journalists Ondřej Kundra will speak and discuss about the war in Ukraine based on his first hand experience and how to report about the atrocities of the Russian agression. more ►

Ondřej Kundra: Vendulka, Flight to Freedom


Date: 26 September 2023  Venue: St.Vladimir Institute, 620 Spadina Avenue, Toronto

So many lives were cut short by the Holocaust, many with no trace to leave behind for future generations to remember. Vendulka tells the story of a single scrap of remembrance—a candid photograph… more ►

Runners by Cirk La Putyka in Montreal


Date: 12 July 2023 - 16 July 2023  Venue: TOHU - 2345, rue Jarry Est, Montréal, Québec H1Z 4P3

MONTRÉAL COMPLÈTEMENT CiRQUE Montreal will be all about circus from JULY 6 to 16 as some 112 artists and acrobats descend on the city to present a host of original, wacky, festive and dazzling… more ►

Live concert of Jiří Stivín in Toronto


Date: 18 June 2023  Venue: 496 Gladstone Avenue, Toronto, ON, M6J 3K9

Jiří Stivín, the legendary Czech jazz musician, is coming to Toronto for an unforgettable live performance on June 18, 2023. more ►

Back to cinema: CZECH THAT FILM 2023

Czech That Film 2023

Consulate General of the Czech Republic in cooperation with Czech Centres brings you again favourite Czech films to the Revue cinema in Toronto. There will be four screenings of romantic, dramatic and historical films in Czech language with… more ►

Czech documentaries at the upcoming Hot Docs

Hot Docs

Four films of the young Czech filmmakers Greta Stoklassa, Soňa G.Lutherová, Veronika Lišková and Marie Magdalena Kochová were selected to the program of the 30th Canadian International Documentary Festival taking place from April 27 to May 7 in… more ►

East Central Europe, 1993-2023: Successes and Failures


Date: 30 March 2023  Venue: Room 108N, North House, Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy 1 Devonshire Place Toronto, ON M5S 3K7 and online on ZOOM

Professor Igor Lukes, historian and professor of history and international relations at Boston University, talks about the 30th anniversary of independent Czech Republic, Central Europe, Russia, both past… more ►

The 18th edition of the EU FILM FESTIVAL in Canada

EUFF 2022

We are thrilled to welcome back in-person audiences from November 17th to December 2nd and continue to offer an online festival until December 10th. Starting November 18th, we will be releasing one film per day for viewing online. Each film will… more ►



Date: 10 November 2022  Venue: Leah Posluns Theatre, Sheff Family Building, Prosserman JCC Sherman Campus 4588 Bathurst Street Toronto, ON M2R 1W6

Join the Holocaust Education Centre and the Ashkenaz Foundation on November 10 at 7:30pm for Lenka Lichtenberg’s Thieves of Dreams: Songs of Theresienstadt's Secret Poetess. Join us during Holocaust… more ►

Czech Literature Week in Toronto

Czech Literature Week

As part of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU, Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Toronto in cooperation with Slavic Languages and Literatures Department of the University of Toronto cordially invite you in person or online… more ►

Why and How to Commemorate the Holocaust Today? - Video contest


Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues, Interfaith Dialogue and Freedom of Religion or Belief at the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Robert Řehák announces a diplomatic video contest in production of short videos (of maximum 3… more ►

Czech That Film 2020 is moving to the virtual world!

Dear friends of Czech cinema, at this time of the year we usually present Czech movies at the Czech That Film festival, jointly organized by Czech Centres and Ministry of Foreign affairs of the Czech Republic. Since we can not invite you to the… more ►

Freedom Reborn Gala Concert

Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Toronto would like to invite you to a gala concert Freedom Reborn celebrating the 30th anniversary of the return of freedom and democracy. Concert will be held at the St. Andrew´s Church on… more ►

Prague Mixed Choir in Toronto

Slavnostní koncert

On the occasion of the commemoration of the centennial anniversary of the founding of Czechoslovakia and the 50th anniversary of the Prague Spring, a celebratory concert by the Prague Mixed Choir was held on Friday, May 25 2018 at the Rosedale… more ►

Prague Mixed Choir in Toronto

Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Toronto invites you to the Prague Mixed Choir concert, which is to be held May, 25, 2018, of the occasion of commemoration of centennial anniversary of the founding of Czechoslovakia and 50th… more ►

Czech That Film Festival Program published

Consulate General is delighted to announce, following our previous information, the actual program of the Czech That Film Festival, which will take place in Revue Cinema in April, 27 - May, 1, 2017. more ►

Czech That Film Festival soon coming to Toronto

Czech That Film 2017

Consulate General of the Czech Republic is happy to announce that for the first time in its six years history, Czech That Film Festival is coming to Toronto. The Festival will take place between April, 27th and May, 1st at the Revue Cinema in… more ►

Daniel Herman, Czech Minister of Culture, visited Toronto

MMI Památník obětí komunismu

On November 13 - November 18, 2016 Minister Herman conducted a bilateral visit to Canada during which he visited Toronto (13.11-16.11), Ottawa and Montreal (16.11.-18.11). The principal aim of the visit was the further development of bilateral… more ►

Czech Day at the European Union Film Festival in Toronto

EU Film Festival in Toronto took place from November,10 to November, 24, introducing the film production of all EU Member States. It was organised by Consulates and Cultural Institutes of EU Member States, and sponsored by a number of European… more ►

European Summer School in Prague

The European Summer School in Prague is an intensive 12 day learning programme focused on European integration. more ►

Eva Koťátková exhibits in Toronto

Eva Kotatkova

Eva Koťátková is a young Czech artist. We do not hesitate to label her as the most successful young Czech artist abroad nowadays. Art en Valise, non profit organization, will introduce Eva to Canadian audiences with solo art show. more ►

Initiative to promote Czech Studies at University of Toronto


Dear friends of the Czech Republic, the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Ottawa and the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Toronto would like to take this opportunity and draw your attention to the Advancing Czech Studies project… more ►

Study in the Czech Republic


Studying in the Czech Republic, in a country at the cultural crossroads, is well suited to help develop an open mind and strengthen ability of every student to work together with other people of different backgrounds. more ►