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Why and How to Commemorate the Holocaust Today? - Video contest

Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues, Interfaith Dialogue and Freedom of Religion or Belief at the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Robert Řehák announces a diplomatic video contest in production of short videos (of maximum 3 minutes) on the occasion of the International Terezín Declaration Conference.

How can you participate?

1. In order to participate you must be between 15 - 25 years old.
2. Create a maximum 3-minute-long video answering one of the four contest questions:

  • What can we learn from heroes of the Holocaust, such as Nicholas Winton, Marie Schmolka, Fredy Hirsch or Friedl Dicker-Brandeis?
  • How can we prevent genocides in the future?
  • What can we learn today from the biggest genocide in human history called the Holocaust?
  • Why and how to commemorate the Holocaust today?

3. Upload the video on your Instagram or Twitter with the #TerezinDeclaration as well as on YouTube. Send the YouTube link to da@mzv.cz. Please include "Why and How to Commemorate the Holocaust Today?" as a subject of the e-mail.

4. The video has to be in English or contain English subtitles. It can also be mute/without spoken word.



Prizes for the most inspiring videos:
The three final contestants will be invited to participate at the Terezín Declaration International Conference taking place at the Czernin Palace of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic on November 03, 2022 with
participation of representatives from 47 signatory countries including Canada.
Furthermore, the winners will have the opportunity to visit some of the participating Embassies, as well as to meet in person with diplomats attending the conference in Prague.


Send the YouTube link to da@mzv.cz  before September 30, 2022.