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Economic migration - programs and quotas

In support of foreign employment, the Czech Republic implements programs of targeted economic migration. All programs of targeted economic migration are primarily administered by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Detailed information about the… more ►

Visa-free travel to Schengen zone for Georgian citizens

Starting from 28th March 2017, Georgian biometric passport holders may travel to the EU/Schengen countries without visas in the period not exceeding 90 days within any 180-day period. The short-term visa is still needed if the purpose of… more ►

Czech Republic has classified Georgia to be safe country of origin

Effective from 20th April 2019, Georgia (except from South Ossetia and Abkhazia) was ranked to the list of safe country of origin determined by Czech Ministry of Interior Regulation No. 328/2015 Coll. Thus, the asylum applications of Georgian… more ►