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Consular and Administrative Fees

In the Consular Section of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tbilisi, consular and administrative fees are collected in cash in EUR (accordance with monthly exchange rate) or by credit card in CZK / EUR according to schedule of consular charges.

The Agreement on the facilitation of the issuance of visas is concluded between Georgia and European Union, stated  that the consular fee for filing Schengen visa application is 35,- EUR. The Agreement includes, above all, the categories of citizens exempted from the fee.

Similar EU agreements are concluded with the following countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, Moldova, Serbia and Ukraine. 




Submission of Schengen visa application (for citizens of countries that have concluded with EU the Agreement on the facilitation of the issuance of visas) – 35 EUR

Submission of Schengen visa application (for citizens of countries that have not concluded with EU the Agreement on the facilitation of the issuance of visas) – 90 EUR (children 6-12: 45 EUR)

Submission of Employee Card application – 5.000 CZK

Submission of Blue Card application – 5.000 CZK

Submission of long-term visa application (including study purpose) – 2.500 CZK

Submission of long-term visa application – business purpose - 5.000 CZK

Submission of long-term stay permit application – 2.500 CZK


Note: Children of age 0-6 are generally exempted from the above mentioned fees, as well as diplomatic, service or special passport holders. Full information about other exemptions from the fees is available in the Act on Administrative Fees No. 634/2004 Coll.  

Signature authentication – 250 CZK (for each signature)

Copy authentication – 300 CZK (for each page)

Temporary travel document issuance – 400 CZK

Ordinary passport issuance – 1.200 CZK

Ordinary passport issuance (children under 15) – 400 CZK

Filing of Criminal Record extract application – 200 CZK