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Electronic draw registration system to arrange a time to apply for employee cards

Electronic Draw Registration Scheme - registrations will be accepted to arrange face-to-face application dates for the period April to June 2024.

From the submitted registrations, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic will draw the 18 persons based on the quota set by the government for processing applications for the employee card, who will be given a term to apply in person between Ocotober to December 2024. Only registrations submitted in accordance with the following rules and deadlines will be admitted to the draw:

1) Registration will be held on the following days and times:

21.08.2024 09:00

2) The applicant or his/her proxy (authorized  by power of attorney) must appear in person at the Embassy in Tbilisi.

3) An applicant can register for the purpose of setting a term to submit only 1 application for a Employee Card.

4) A proxy can only register 1 applicant.

5) The applicant shall submit his/her passport and his/her ID card. The applicant's proxy shall also submit a power of attorney and his/her proof of identity. Also a  document confirming the purpose of your stay, i.e. an employment contract, is required. Please note that if successful in the draw, applicant must provide an identical employment contract to the one used for registration when applying for an Employee card.

6) The applicant pays an administrative fee of 1000,- CZK (in cash in EUR at the current exchange rate or by credit card). The fee is non-refundable.

7) By paying the fee, the applicant will be issued  a control coupon (receipt of payment of the administrative fee) with a number which will be the subject of a draw. Payment of the fee does not entitle the applicant to a term to apply for a Emplyee Card.

8) Registrants will not be directly informed about the outcome of the draw (by phone, email or otherwise). Information on whether a particular voucher has been drawn and the specific date of the in-person application will only be published on the Embassy's Tbilisi website no later than 19.09.2024. The Embassy will also publish the numbers of the control vouchers that have not been drawn on the same date.

9) If the successful candidate fails to appear at the published term, the term will be lost.

We would like to highlight that the registration to apply for an employee card taking place 21.08.2024 does not guarantee that the applicant will be granted a term to apply for an employee card. It is only a registration of applicants for the allocation of a date, from which 18 applicants will be randomly drawn, who will then be informed via the Embassy's website about the date set for the submission of the application for the Employee Card itself.

It is further to be noted that even in case of submitting of an employee card application, there is no guarantee that the employee card is going to be granted. The decision process related to the employee card applications falls in its entirety into the competence of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic and there is no legal claim on obtaining an employee card.

The above described appointment system has been adopted in accordance with the Art. 169f of the Act No. 326/1999 Coll., on the Residence of Foreign Nationals in the Territory of the Czech Republic and the jurisprudence of the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic (judgement No. 10 Azs 153/2016).