2020 - 70th Anniversary of diplomatic relations

Handover of the award of the International Art Exhibition Lidice


On December 17, 2020, the Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Mongolia Jiří Brodský presented an honorable mention to eight-year-old Amin-Erdene Davaanyam from the Ulaanbaatar school Mongeni Complex for her drawing on the theme "Landscape" in… 

Invitation for children to participate in the Exhibition of Fine Art Lidice 2021


A hundred years ago, in his drama R.U.R., the Czech writer Karel Čapek used the word 'robot' for the first time. Thinking about how to call artificial workers, he sought advice with his brother, the painter Josef Čapek. "Call them Robots,"… 

Screening of the movie "The Valley of the Bees"


The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Ulaanbaatar organized another film afternoon on Saturday, November 7, 2020 at the Blackbox Theater. The film by the František Vláčil "The Valley of the Bees" (1967) was chosen for the November screening. 

Reception on the occasion of Czech National Day 2020


On October 27, 2020, the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Mongolia organized a traditional reception for invited guests on the occasion of the Independenсe Day of Czechoslovakia and the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic…