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Po rekonstrukci

Children of Heroes E21: John Berkeley, son of Pfc. Jakub Berkovič

Children of Heroes E21: John Berkeley, son of Pfc. Jakub Berkovič

Children of Heroes is a long-term project of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in London. Ambassador Marie Chatardova is interviewing descendants of Czechoslovak soldiers and airmen who settled and had children in the UK during the war to… more ►

Ambassador Chatardová unveiled information panels in Wingrave


On Sunday 14 April, Ambassador Marie Chatardová, together with the Ambassador of the Slovak Republic, Mr. Róbert Ondrejcsák, and Mrs. Gerry Manolas, Chairman of the Memorial Association for Free Czechoslovak Veterans, unveiled two information… more ►

Children of Heroes E18: Stephen Loquens, son of Maj. Gustav Loquens

Children of Heroes E18: Stephen Loquens, son of Maj. Gustav Loquens

Children of Heroes is a long-term project of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in London. It's aim is to acknowledge the brave Czechoslovak air personnel and soldiers who settled, married and had children in the United Kingdom during the War and… more ►