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Information on Visas

All applicants for visas or residence permits must make an appointment in advance at the e-mail address: Tirana.Visa@mzv.gov.cz.

In the message, include your first and last name, date of birth, nationality, passport number, its validity and the type of vis required (in case of employee card applications, include the vacancy number), valid email address and telephone number. Your appointed time slot  for submitting the application (and an interview if needed) will be sent to you in writing to the indicated e-mail.

No applications can be processed without a scheduled appointment.



VALIDITY OF DOCUMENTS: Submitted supporting documents must not be older than 180 days. Exceptions include Albanian registry documents (birth, marriage, death certificate), which are valid for 90 days. Also, the extract from the Albanian criminal record (Dëshmi Penaliteti ) must not be older than 90 days. Any extracts from criminal records from countries where the applicant has resided for more than 6 months in the last 3 years must not be 180 days old.


OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: The documents must be submitted in the Czech language. Documents in a foreign language must also be submitted in an officially certified translation into Czech. The list of interpreters accredited in the Czech Republic from Albanian to Czech can be found here (justice.cz) ("Tlumočník- Jazyk albánský - hledat záznamy") . The Embassy will validate the translation of the criminal record certificate issued by the Republic of Albania, provided the scanned certificate will be sent to the Embassy with the appointment confirmation. This service is subject to the current consular fee.

FORM OF SUBMISSION: Passport, documents on the purpose of stay, registry documents, or parental consents must always be submitted in original. These originals may be returned to the applicant as required. The passport is always returned to the applicant, it is presented again when the visa is issued. Other requirements can be submitted in the original or in an officially certified copy.


Travel medical insurance during a stay longer than 90 days - for long-term visas and for a residence permit  further information are available here

Visa Fees - further information are available HERE

Decision on Visa Application further information are available HERE

Travel medical insurance during a stay longer than 90 days - for long-term visas and for a residence permit  further information are available here

Visa Extension - further information are available HERE

Registering Entry and Residence - further information are available HERE



Visa is an authorization which allows a foreigner to enter and temporarily stay on the territory of the Czech Republic / Schengen Area under conditions specified within.

Visa is issued into a passport (travel document) of a foreigner in a form of a visa sticker. Every applicant, incl. a child, is issued an individual visa sticker. If the child does not have an own passport and is inscribed in the parent´s passport, two visa stickers are issued into the passport of the parent.


UP TO 90 DAYS (for longer stay, see below)

● issued for SHORT-TERM (up to 90 days) stays in the Czech Republic / Schengen Area

● issued as




● issued for LONG-TERM (over 90 days) stays in the Czech Republic lasting more than 90 days and no longer than one year (type “D” visa)

● authorize the holder to travel and stay on a short-term non-profit basis in other Schengen Area States

● issued for the purpose of



● issued as a "long-term visas for the purpose of collecting a long-term residence permit" for 60 days to allow its holder to arrive and collect a residence permit for a long-term stay in the Czech Republic (type “D” visa)

● long-term residence permit authorizes the holder to travel and stay on a short-term non-profit basis in other Schengen Area States

● issued for the purpose of



● issued as a "long-term visas for the purpose of collecting a permanent residence permit" for 60 days to allow its holder to arrive and collect a residence permit for a long-term stay in the Czech Republic (type “D” visa)

● permanent residence permit authorizes the holder to travel and stay on a short-term non-profit basis in other Schengen Area States


Legal sources:

● Regulation (EC) No 810/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 establishing a Community Code on Visas (Visa Code)

● Act No 326/1999 Coll., on the Residence of Foreign Nationals in the Czech Republic and Amending Certain Acts


Useful links:

Schengen Area Member States

Ministry of the Interior

Information of the European Commission about Schengen 

Information of the EUR-Lex about Schengen

Information of the Ministry of the Interior about Schengen

Information of the Office for Personal Data Protection about Schengen 

Brochure of the European Commission about Schengen

Brochure of the European Commission on Entering the EU

Schengen Visa Information