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Consular Section of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tirana


Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tirana
Rruga Skënderbej 10
1000 Tirana, Albania

E-mail: Tirana.visa@mzv.gov.cz

Phone (during office hours): 00355 42 23 40 04

Emergency consular line number  (intended only for Czech citizens in need): 00420 222 420 222


Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (APPOINTMENTS ONLY)


All applicants for visa or residence permits must request an appointment in advance at the e-mail address: Tirana.Visa@mzv.gov.cz.

In the e-mail message, kindly state your first and last name, date of birth, passport number and its validity, nationality and type of application (for applicants for an employee card and the number of a vacancy on the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications portal), including a valid e-mail address and telephone number. The allocated time slot will be notified to you in writing to your e-mail address.

The consulate usually responds to specific questions sent by e-mail within 5 days.

Telephone inquiries are processed: Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.

The consulate does not provide information about the visa procedure during the proceedings. The consulate will contact the applicants as soon as the request has been processed. The status of the application for a long-term visa / stay can be found here.

Complaints according to Article 47 paragraph 1j), or Article 38 paragraph 5 of the Visa Code can be sent to the e-mail address Tirana.Visa@mzv.gov.cz.

The consulate does not use social networks for communicate in the visa procedure via social networks.


The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tirana primarily accepts applications for Schengen visas and long-term visas and stays of citizens of the Republic of Albania and, after meeting the specified conditions, of long-term/permanent residents of the Republic of Albania.

Citizens of the Republic of Albania do not need a visa for short-term (up to 90 days) non-profit trips to the Czech Republic/Schengen area, but are subject to visa requirements for long-term stays in the Czech Republic.


All interviews (and interrogations) when submitting an application are conducted in Czech or English. If you do not speak either of them, you must appear accompanied by an interpreter who is accredited by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Albania. For a list of interpreters, you can click here.



January 1

Restoration of the Independent Czech State, New Year


Good Friday – variable holiday


Easter Monday – variable holiday

May 1

Labour Day

May 8

Liberation day

July 5

St Cyril and Metodius day

July 6

Jan Hus Day

September 28

St. Wenceslas Day

October 28

Foundation of Independent Czechoslovak State

November 17

Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day

December 24

Christmas Eve

December 25

First Christmas Holiday Day

December 26

Second Christmas Holiday day – St Stephens Day