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Exhibition by The Forman Brothers' Theatre in Denmark

The international puppet theatre festival "Festival of Wonder" in Silkeborg presented as a part of the program the interactive exhibition „Theatre in Movement – People and Puppets on Stage“ by The Forman Brothers' Theatre.

Theatre in Movement – People and Puppets on Stage

The exhibition was launched on 21 September 2013 at KunstCentret Silkeborg Bad in the presence of the exhibition author Matěj Forman and his colleagues and Zuzana Otčenášková, Cultural Counselor of the Czech Embassy.

Theatre in Movement – People and Puppets on Stage

Through this exhibition The Forman Brothers' Theatre took the visitors backstage and into the world of a nomadic theatre company. Through pictures, sketches, photographs and theatre scenery, legendary performances by this theatre group such as La Baraque, Obludarium, The Secret BoatBeauty and the Beast, Purple Sails and others, came alive again.

Theatre in Movement – People and Puppets on Stage

Matěj Forman
Matěj Forman

Ulla Dengsøe a Zuzana Otčenášková
From the left: the festival director Ulla Dengsøe and cultural attaché Zuzana Otčenášková

The exhibition was held 21 September - 29 December 2013.
For more information about the exhibition and the theatre company, please visit:
KunstCentret Silkeborg Bad  
The Forman Brothers' Theatre

Festival of Wonder - Silkeborg International Puppet Theatre Festival took place on 7 – 10 November 2013. The program offered several international performances together with workshops for children, adults and proffesional artists.

For more information about the festival and its program, please see:
Festival of Wonder

Theatre in Movement – People and Puppets on Stage

Theatre in Movement – People and Puppets on Stage