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Screening of the film “Kooky”


The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Copenhagen arranged on Thursday 8 December the last movie evening of this year. In the time of Advent the guests were invited to watch a poetic puppet movie by Jan Svěrák, „Kooky“. more ►

Screening of the film “Leaving”


The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Copenhagen arranged another movie evening on Tuesday 15 November. This time the guests could see Václav Havel´s movie debut "Leaving". more ►

Concert by the Janáček Trio in Biblioteket Rentemestervej


The Embassy of the Czech Republic continued the successful cooperation with the Culture Centre Biblioteket Rentemestervej in Bispebjerg, Copenhagen by arranging a concert by the Janáček Trio on Friday 21 October 2011. more ►

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