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The Czech Republic at "HI-Industry"


The Czech Republic was well represented by 12 companies in the largest industrial fair in Scandinavia, the HI-Industry Fair in Herning 4 th to 7 th of September 2007. more ►

Presentation of the Czech movie "Rafteres"


The last projection of the Czech movie at the Embassy of the Czech Republic before summer holiday had again attracted attention of Czech students, Czech compatriots and members of their families and their friends. more ►

Czech Furniture in Bella Center


Czech Furniture production was successfully represented in the Copenhagen International Furniture Fair 2007, from 10th to 13th May, 2007. more ►

Czech ICT Companies at Børsen


On April 17 th, 2007, the Czech Embassy and the government trade promotion agency CzechTrade carried through a match-making event at Børsen in Copenhagen in cooperation with the Danish IT Industry Association. more ►

Czech Ambassador in Horsens and Juelsminde


On April 11 th , 2007, the Czech Ambassador paid a visit to the municipality Horsens, where he met the Municipality Director Niels Aalund, and to the municipality Juelsminde, with a fruitfull discussion with Mayor JørnJuhl Nielsen. more ►