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The Night of Literature 2023 in Copenhagen

The Night of Literature 2023 in Copenhagen

This year, Czech Embassy in Copenhagen also decided to be part of a traditional and popular event throughout the Czech Republic celebrating book culture and the power of translation skills – The Night of Literature. The exceptional event… more ►

Invitation: Jewish Cultural Festival in Copenhagen

Jewish Cultural Festival in Copenhagen

On June 4-11, 2023, the 12th Anniversary of the Jewish Cultural Festival will take place in Copenhagen. As part of the program, you´ll be able to visit more than 60 unique productions, workshops, concerts and films. The Czech Republic will… more ►

Dana Schmidt, the first lady of Czech-Danish journalism, died


On April 23, 2021, at the age of 77, Dana Schmidt, a well-known journalist and reporter, who used to work for the daily Politiken, died. She left a significant mark in the Czech environment, often wrote about it for foreign media, and was also a… more ►

The Czech word ROBOT celebrates its 100th anniversary this year


On January 25, 2021, it´s been 100 years since the premiere performance of Karel Čapek's theatre play called R. U. R. took the place at the Czech National Theatre in Prague. The word ROBOT first appeared in the play, which soon became an… more ►

Danish edition of a book Spaceman of Bohemia

Spaceman of Bohemia

On Wednesday 26 February, the Danish translation of the book Spaceman of Bohemia by the Czech-American writer Jaroslav Kalfař was presented at the residence of the Czech Embassy in Copenhagen. The novel Spaceman of Bohemia was published in 2017… more ►

Czech literature at the book fair in Aarhus

Book fair Aarhus

Czech literature was presented at the literature fair BogGods 2019, which took place on 15-16 June in Aarhus. The fair has been a part of the big international festival LiteratureXchange. more ►

Night with Andersen 2016

Night with Andersen

The Czech School in Copenhagen joined also this year the international Night with Andersen, a Czech-initiated event organized by the libraries to support and promote children's interest in reading. more ►

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