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Night with Andersen 2015

Night with Andersen 2015

The Czech School in Copenhagen joined also this year the international Night with Andersen which the Association of Children´s Libraries of SKIP organizes together with several other institutions in the Czech Republic. more ►

Petr Váša at the festival CPH:INTERLIT 2014


On 22 – 24 May 2014 the international literature festival CPH:INTERLIT 2014 took place in Copenhagen. The Czech author Petr Váša also accepted the invitation. more ►

Night with Andersen 2014


On Friday 4 April 2014 the event “A Night with Andersen” took place and Hans Christian Andersen´s fairy tales were read for children in several places around the Czech Republic. The event, which was held for the fourteenth time, aims to support… more ►

A Literary Evening with Greenlandic Myths and Legends


On 3 December 2009, a literary evening focused on the translation of Greenlandic mythology and legends into Czech, including the accompanying illustrations, took place at the Residence of the Czech Embassy. more ►

Reading by Petra Hůlová in Copenhagen and Århus


On 19 March 2009, a literary evening with the young Czech writer Petra Hůlová took place in the Europe House in Copenhagen, the seat of the European Commissions Representation and European Parliament´s Information Office in Denmark. more ►

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