Invitation: Jaroslav Rudiš in Copenhagen – Winterbergs sidste rejse
26.09.2023 / 15:00 | Aktualizováno: 03.10.2023 / 15:09
Did you know that in the end of September 2023, a completely new translation of Jaroslav Rudiš's book: "Winterbergs sidste rejse" is coming to the Danish market? If you want to find out more, come to the residence of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Copenhagen on October 17, 2023 at 7 p.m., Ryvangs Allé 14-16, 2100 Copenhagen.
You will hear an excerpt from the book: "Winterbergs sidste rejse", in Czech and Danish language, with the personal participation of Jaroslav Rudiš!
After reading, you will be able to ask questions both to the author, and to the translator Mr. Uffe Gardel, together with publisher, Mr. Oto Tiefenboeck, in the discussion.
Entry: free / Small refreshments will be provided.
The number of places is limited.
R.S.V.P. by October 13, 2023 via https://bit.ly/rudisvkodani.