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Czech Days in Gothenburg

Czech Innovation Expo

Ambassador Jiří Šitler visited Gothenburg on April 2 - 4 to meet the Lord Mayor, to launch the Czech Days and to attend the Gothenburg International Science Festival. more ►

Swedish – Czech Defence Industry Days

Švédsko - české dny obranného průmyslu

Czech Embassy in Stockholm in close partnership with Swedish Association of Security and Defence Industry (SOFF), Czech Ministry of Defence, Czech Associations of Defence Industry (AOBP) and Swedish Ministry of Defence hosted „Swedish -… more ►

Jan Olof Lind received Ambassador Jiří Šitler

přijetí u ST Linda

Jan Olof Lind, State Secretery of Swedish Ministry of Defence received Czech Ambassador Jiří Šitler, his deputy Jan Buben, and defence attaché BG Libor Štefánik on March 15, 2019. more ►

Lunch with Swedish investors and companies

Lunch with significant Swedish business partners

Promoting business ties between the Czech Republic and Sweden the Embassy hosted a lunch with representatives of large Swedish companies active in the Czech Republic such as SAAB, Trelleborg Group, BAE Hägglunds, Hydroscand, Skanska, Mölnlycke,… more ►