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V4 Ambassadors meeting with Robert Rydberg

Setkání velvyslanců V4 s Robertem Rydbergem

As presiding country of V4 Czech Ambassador Jiří Šitler hosted a meeting of V4 Ambassadors with Robert Rydberg, State Secretary of the Swedish MFA on March 5, 2020. more ►

Ambassador visited the Brigadier Museum in Karlstad

Brigádní muzeum v Karlstadu

Ambassador Jiří Šitler visited the Brigade Museum in Karlstad on February 20, 2020 where a variation of the Pink Tank of Czech artist David Černý is exhibited, after a successful presentation in Örebro and Stockholm. more ►

Ministerial Conference on Road Safety in Stockholm

Road Safety Stockholm

From February 18 to February 20, 2020 Stockholm hosted Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety. There were delegations from 140 countries participating, ministers led 80 of them. more ►

Martina Tauberová visited Stockholm

nám. MPO Martina Tauberová

On February 18, 2020 Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic Martina Tauberová participated at the meeting of like-minded countries on free trade with regards to upcoming WTO Ministerial Conference. Besides the host,… more ►

Bilateral Gripen Group Meeting in Linköping

Jednání Společné řídící komise Gripen v Linköpingu

Delegation of the Czech Ministry of Defence led by Roman Harenčák, head of program and projects section of the Air Force and Logistics Armaments Department met with representatives of the Swedish Defence Material Administration and SAAB for… more ►

This year's Special Partner Nation will be Sweden

Dny NATO v Ostravě

The Swedish Ministry of Defence has officially approved that it will become the Special Partner Nation for NATO Days in Ostrava & Czech Air Force Days for 2020. This will make Sweden the first country to take on this role for the second time. more ►

A book of condolence opened for Jaroslav Kubera

Kondolenční kniha

On January 27, 2020 the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Stockholm opened a book of condolence for Jaroslav Kubera, the Speaker of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic who passed away on January 20, 2020. more ►