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“Four Murders are Enough, Darling”

Four Murders are Enough, Darling

The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Stockholm screened the comedy "Four Murders are Enough, Darling" at another film evening on Wednesday 26 April 2023 in the Pavilion of our Embassy. more ►

Kulturnatt 2023 Stockholm

Kulturnatt 2023 Stockholm

As part of Kulturnatt 2023 Stockholm, the Czech Centre Stockholm was organizing 22 April 2023 an exhibition of collaboration between Swedish visual artist and designer Jesper Målsten and Czech-Swedish jazz musicians Alf Carlsson, Jiří Kotača,… more ►

Ensemble Ypsilonka in Nyköping

Úspěch souboru Ypsilonka v divadle v Nyköpingu

Czechs and Slovaks from all parts of Sweden enjoyed the performance Pánská šatna of Ensemble Ypsilonka at Teater Sörmland in Nyköping on October 13, 2018. more ►

REX Annimation Film Festival


Ambassador Jiří Šitler accompanied by his wife attended the opening of REX Animation Film Festival at Capitol Bio on October 11, 2018. more ►

TOYEN and Czech surrealism at Moderna Museet


Czech surrealism was on display at Moderna Museet on July 31, 2018. Duscussion panel „Queer surrealism: Toyen“ moderated by Carlota Mir featured art historians Ladislav Zikmund – Lender and Rado Ištok. The discussion launched… more ►

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