“Four Murders are Enough, Darling”
27.04.2023 / 16:03 | Aktualizováno: 27.04.2023 / 16:05
The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Stockholm screened the comedy "Four Murders are Enough, Darling" at another film evening on Wednesday 26 April 2023 in the Pavilion of our Embassy.
For the April screening, we have chosen a classic of Czechoslovak: "Four Murders are Enough, Darling" (1970). The star team of authors - Oldřich Lipský (director) and Miroslav Macourek (screenplay) managed to create a wonderful, unbridled visual story with fabulous illustrations by the comics magician Kája Saudek in the early 1970s, despite the emerging totalitarian reality or precisely because of it.
With the projection, we remembered the actor, Mr. Lubomír Lipský, who would have celebrated the 100th anniversary of his birth on April 19, 2023, and the character of George Camel undoubtedly belongs to the pinnacle of his long acting career.