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archive 2020

New soldiers of the Army of the Czech Republic in Latvia

Předání operačního úkolu

On Thursday, July 16, a ceremonial transfer of operational mission took place between units of 4th and 5th task force of the Czech Army, operating within the Enhanced NATO Forward Presence (eFP) in Latvia, at the Ādaži military base in Latvia. more ►

Joint Press Release of V4 and NB8 Presiding Countries

Viedeoconference V4 and NB8

The 8th annual meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Visegrad Group and Nordic-Baltic Eight was held on June 3rd, 2020 in the videoconference format, upon the joint invitation of the Czech Republic and Estonia as coordinators of respective… more ►

Ambassador visited Jelgava together with Czech troops from eFP NATO


On February 25, Ambassadors of the Czech Republic and Slovakia, together with members of the Czech and Slovak army currently serving in NATO's eFP mission in Latvia, visited the fourth largest city of Jelgava. They hold talks with the Chairman… more ►

New soldiers of the Army of the Czech Republic in Latvia

Handing over

The new Czech contingent of the enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group Latvia took over at Camp Ādaži parade square on February 4. Captain Hapla handed over the task to his successor captain David Jeníček. Ambassador Hynková was also present… more ►

The Czech Republic on Balttour 2020

The Czech Republic was introduced on Balttour 2020 in Riga from January 31 to February 2, 2020, as an attractive tourist destination. more ►