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Team at the Permanent Representation

Head of the Permanent Representation to the EU
Permanent Representative of the Czech Republic to the EU
Permanent Representative to COREPER II


Vladimír Bärtl
tel.: +32 2 2139 500
e-mail: vladimir.bartl(at)mzv.gov.cz
Jan Kohoutek
Assistant to the Head of Mission
tel.: +32 2 2139 500
e-mail: jan.kohoutek(at)mzv.gov.cz
Pavlína Blažková
Secretary of the Head of Mission
tel.: +32 2 2139 503
e-mail: pavlina.blazkova(at)mzv.gov.cz
Alice Krutilová
Spokesperson Coreper II
tel.: +32 2 2139 531
GSM: +32 491 37 77 24
e-mail: alice.krutilova(at)mzv.gov.cz
Jan Hájek
Spokesperson Coreper I & Public Diplomacy
tel.: +32 2 2139 530
GSM: +32 499 70 10 64
e-mail: jan.hajek(at)mzv.gov.cz
Nina Weissová
Protocol, visits of senior officials
tel.: +32 2 2139 529
e-mail: nina.weissova(at)mzv.gov.cz


Antici, Relations with the European Parliament and General Affairs Unit

Kateřina Šustrová
Head of Unit
COREPER II coordinator
tel.: +32 2 2139 539
e-mail: katerina.sustrova(at)mzv.gov.cz

Anna Fehérová
COREPER II secretary
tel.: +32 2 2139 553
e-mail: anna.feherova(at)mzv.gov.cz


Jana Žežulková
GAG, European Parliament relations, general affairs
tel.: +32 2 2139 526
e-mail: jana.zezulkova(at)mzv.gov.cz

Tereza Kůnová
Deputy Antici
tel.: +32 2 2139 538
e-mail: tereza.kunova(at)mzv.gov.cz


Deputy Head of the Czech Permanent Representation to the EU
Permanent Representative to COREPER I

tel.: +32 2 2139 401
e-mail: (at)mzv.gov.cz
Irena Viková
Secretary to the Deputy Permanent Representative 
tel.: +32 2 2139 401
e-mail: irena.vikova(at)mzv.gov.cz


Ondřej Hofmann
COREPER I Coordinator
tel.: +32 2 2139 445
e-mail: ondrej.hofmann(at)mzv.gov.cz
Tereza Lišková
tel.: +32 2 2139 443
e-mail: tereza.liskova(at)mzv.gov.cz



Deputy Head of the Czech Permanent Representation to the EU
Permanent Representative to Political and Security Committee (COPS)

Jitka Látal Znamenáčková
tel.: +32 2 2139 540
e-mail: jitka.znamenackova(at)mzv.gov.cz

Stanislava Caccese
Secretary to the Permanent Representative to COPS
tel.: +32 2 2139 540
e-mail: eu.brussels.COPS(at)mzv.gov.cz, stanislava.caccese(at)mzv.gov.cz


COPS Section

Pavlína Rehor
COPS Coordinator
tel.: +32 2 2139 541
e-mail: pavlina.rehor(at)mzv.gov.cz
Jaroslava Trnková
tel.: +32 2 2139 543
e-mail: eu.brussels.COPS(at)mzv.gov.cz, jaroslava.trnkova(at)mzv.gov.cz



Deputy Head of the Czech Permanent Representation to the EU

Internal Organisation and Human Resources Unit

Ivan Hotěk
Head of Unit
tel.: +32 2 2139 448
e-mail: ivan.hotek(at)mzv.gov.cz
Olga Ulická
tel.: +32 2 2139 448
e-mail: olga.ulicka(at)mzv.gov.cz

Pavla Papírníková
Czech nationals in the EU institutions
tel.: +32 2 2139 450
e-mail: pavla.papirnikova(at)mzv.gov.cz

Lucie Michel Lekešová
Human resources - Czech nationals in the EEAS
tel.: +32 2 2139 454
e-mail: lucie.lekesova(at)mzv.gov.cz


Registry Unit

Olga Ulická
Acting Head of Unit
tel.: +32 2 2139 451
e-mail: (at)mzv.gov.cz
Iveta Martínková
tel.: +32 2 2139 452
e-mail: iveta.martinkova(at)mzv.gov.cz
Iva Kříčková
front desk
tel.: +32 2 2139 111
e-mail: iva.krickova(at)mzv.gov.cz


Legal Affairs Unit

Dominika Czechová
Head of Unit
general and institutional issues of EU law, CRP II issues, Rule of Law, FREMP WP, EU external relations
tel.: +32 2 2139 441
e-mail: dominika.czechova(at)mzv.gov.cz

tel.: +32 2 2139 537
e-mail: (at)mzv.gov.cz
Michael Švarc
general and institutional issues of EU law, CRP II issues, legal aspects of RU agression against UA, CFSP, sanctions
tel.: +32 2 2139 442
e-mail: michael.svarc2(at)mzv.gov.cz
Jiří Pavliš
general and institutional issues of EU law, CRP I issues, Court of Justice, transparency, infringements
tel.: +32 2 2139 456
e-mail: jiri.pavlis(at)mzv.gov.cz



Trade Policy Unit

Ludmila Hyklová
Head of Unit
Trade Policy Committee: full members and deputies, trade defence instruments
tel.: +32 2 2139 523
e-mail: ludmila.hyklova(at)mzv.gov.cz
Karolína Prázná
tel.: +32 2 2139 439
e-mail: karolina.prazna(at)mzv.gov.cz
Karolína Lukášová
services and investment, WPTQ, dual-use goods, export credits
tel.: +32 2 2139 542
e-mail: karolina.lukasova(at)mzv.gov.cz
Jiří Martiš
Customs union and customs cooperation, GSP, WCO
tel.: +32 2 2139 544
e-mail: jiri.martis(at)mzv.gov.cz
Patrik Urban
relations with ACP and EFTA countries, Working Party on commodities (PROBA)
tel.: +32 2 2139 549
e-mail: patrik.urban(at)mzv.gov.cz



Financial and Cohesion Policy Unit

Alex Ivančo
Head of Unit
Coordination of ECOFIN, economic and financial policy
tel.: +32 2 2139 438
e-mail: alex.ivanco(at)mzv.gov.cz
Karolína Prázná
tel.: +32 2 2139 439
e-mail: karolina.prazna(at)mzv.gov.cz

Financial services

Petr Šmelc
Anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT), EU economic policy including its external dimension
tel.: +32 2 2139 404
e-mail: petr.smelc(at)mzv.gov.cz

Martina Petrušová
financial services (capital market, market
infrastructure, securities and sustainable finance)
tel.: +32 2 2139 440
e-mail: martina.petrusova(at)mzv.gov.cz


Jan Famfollet
financial services (banking, insurance, payment services, digital finance and innovations in financial market)
tel.: +32 2 2139 481
e-mail: jan.famfollet(at)mzv.gov.cz




Cohesion policy

Tereza Jadrná
regional policy, territorial and urban agenda, Working Party on Structural Measures and Outermost Regions (SMOR), audit coordination, cooperation with the EP, EC, CoR and EESC
tel.: +32 2 2139 556
e-mail: tereza.jadrna(at)mzv.gov.cz

Jan Král
cohesion policy, Working Party on Structural Measures and Outermost Regions (SMOR), cooperation with the EP, EC, CoR and EESC
tel.: +32 2 2139 444
e-mail: jan.kral(at)mzv.gov.cz


EU budget

Aneta Vondrová
EU budget including the own resources system, European Court of Auditors
tel.: +32 2 2139 557
e-mail: aneta.vondrova(at)mzv.gov.cz

Tax policy

Lenka Mikulíková
Tax policy and coordination in the EU, horizontal tax
issues and relations to third countries, value added tax, 
administrative assistance
and tax administration, incl. FISCALIS, fight against
tax fraud and evasion
tel.: +32 2 2139 411
e-mail: lenka.mikulikova(at)mzv.gov.cz






Justice and Home Affairs Unit


Tomáš Hach
Head of Unit
JHA Counsellor - External dimension of migration, returns, IPCR coordinator
tel.: +32 2 2139 536
e-mail: tomas.hach(at)mzv.gov.cz

tel.: +32 2 2139 537
e-mail: (at)mzv.gov.cz

Blanka Hrubá
JHA Counsellor - asylum, internal security, terrorism, civil protection, crisis management
tel.: +32 2 2139 532
e-mail: blanka.hruba(at)mzv.gov.cz

Pavla Andrejši
JHA Counsellor - legal migration, Schengen, integration, visa policy, consular affairs
tel.: +32 2 2139 554
e-mail: pavla.andrejsi(at)mzv.gov.cz

Lucie Valoušková
JHA Cousellor - judicial
cooperation in criminal law matters
tel.: +32 2 2139 533
e-mail: lucie.valouskova(at)mzv.gov.cz

Jana Hofmannová
JHA Counsellor - judicial cooperation in civil matters, e-justice
WP on Civil Law Matters, WP on e-Justice
tel.: +32 2 2139 534
e-mail: jana.hofmannova(at)mzv.gov.cz
Václav Rukner
JHA Counsellor - Internal security, police cooperation, COSI, 
Law Enforcement WP, WP IXIM, Data Protection, HDG
tel.: +32 2 2139 546
e-mail: vaclav.rukner(at)mzv.gov.cz


Agriculture and Environment Unit

Tomáš Vacenovský
Head of Unit
Spokesperson in Special Committee on Agriculture (SCA)
Common Agricultural Policy – Horizontal issues, Financing and Audits
Agricultural aspects of intersectorial files, EP coordination
tel.: +32 2 2139 422
e-mail: tomas.vacenovsky(at)mzv.gov.cz
Jitka Pánková
tel.: +32 2 2139 405
e-mail: jitka.pankova(at)mzv.gov.cz



Marta Medková
Common Agricultural Policy – Strategic plans 
Organic farming, Forestry, Agri-food trade
Agricultural international organizations and State aid

tel.: + 32 2 2139 408
e-mail: marta.medkova(at)mzv.gov.cz

Věra Kohoutková
Common Agricultural Policy – Common Market Organization, 
Animal and Plant commodities, Foodstuffs, GMO, NGT,
EU quality policy, Promotion policy, Geographical indications, Spirits and tobacco products 
tel.: +32 2 2139 421
e-mail: vera.kohoutkova(at)mzv.gov.cz

Richard Wallo
Veterinary issues, animal welfare, food safety and feed 
tel: +32 2 2139 417
e-mail: richard.wallo(at)mzv.gov.cz


Phytosanitary issues and Seeds, Fisheries policy, Research and Bioeconomy
e-mail: (at)mzv.gov.cz 



Environment and Climate

Eva Plocek Kubešová
Climate, Transport and Industry Emissions, Horizontal Coordination
tel.: +32 2 2139 410
e-mail: eva.plocek-kubesova(at)mzv.gov.cz

Karolina Zázvorková
Air, Chemicals, Waste and Circular economy
tel.: +32 2 2139 447
e-mail: karolina.zazvorkova(at)mzv.gov.cz
Jan Brojáč
Water, Soil, Nature and Biodiversity, Environmental Impacts and Access to Justice
tel.: +32 2 2139 412
e-mail: jan.brojac(at)mzv.gov.cz



Competitiveness and TTE Unit 

Martin Bednář
Head of Unit
Internal market and Competitiveness
tel.: +32 2 2139 423
e-mail: martin.bednar(at)mzv.gov.cz
Jiří Plocek
tel.: +32 2 2139 504
e-mail: jiri.plocek(at)mzv.gov.cz

Industry, competition, consumer protection, internal market and competitiveness

Free movement of goods (technical harmonisation)
and better regulation
tel.: +32 2 2139 509
e-mail: (at)mzv.gov.cz
Tomáš Hrabal
Consumer protection, industrial policy, SMEs, tourism and innovations
tel.: + 32 2 2139 506
e-mail: tomas.hrabal@mzv.gov.cz
Veronika Niemczyk Ciencialová
Competition, state aid and public procurement
tel.: + 32 2 2139 437
e-mail: veronika.niemczyk-ciencialova(at)mzv.gov.cz



Lea Petrová
Energy and atomic issues
tel.: +32 2 2139 524
e-mail: lea.petrova(at)mzv.gov.cz

Jakub Černohorský
tel.: +32 2 2139 527
e-mail: jakub.cernohorsky(at)mzv.gov.cz


Jaromír Volf
Road and Rail transport, horizontal issues
tel.: +32 2 2139 517
e-mail: jaromir.volf(at)mzv.gov.cz

Petr Čečák
Business support, external aid programmes, aviation and shipping 
tel.: +32 2 2139 508
e-mail: petr.cecak(at)mzv.gov.cz




Veronika Chvála Vinklárková
Telecommunications and digital agenda
tel.: +32 2 2139 513
e-mail: veronika.chvala-vinklarkova(at)mzv.gov.cz

Eva Jordán Vaňková
Telecommunications, digital agenda and postal services
tel.: +32 2 2139 407
e-mail: eva.jordan-vankova(at)mzv.gov.cz
Alena Turoňová 
NCISA envoy
cyber security
tel.:+32 2 2139 515
e-mail: alena.turonova(at)nukib.gov.cz



EPSCO, EYCS, Science and Research Unit


Radka Stupková
Head of Unit
Company law and intellectual property rights
tel.: +32 2 2139 431
e-mail: radka.stupková(at)mzv.gov.cz

Jitka Pánková
tel.: +32 2 2139 405
e-mail: jitka.pankova(at)mzv.gov.cz


Kristýna Králová
Public health, pharmaceuticals, medical devices and IPCR health
tel.: +32 2 2139 433
e-mail: kristyna.kralova(at)mzv.gov.cz



Social policy and employment


Michal Mára
Social policy, employment and labour market, free
movement of workers and labour law
tel.: +32 2 2139 428
e-mail: michal.mara(at)mzv.gov.cz

Zuzana Zajarošová
Social policy, safety and health at work, gender equality and non-discrimination and social security coordination
tel.: +32 2 2139 436
e-mail: zuzana.zajarosova(at)mzv.gov.cz

Education, culture, youth and sports

Lucie Antonizzi Trojanová
Education, youth and sport
tel.: +32 2 2139 430
e-mail: lucie.antonizzi-trojanova(at)mzv.gov.cz


Science, research and space

Matúš Žiga
Research and space policy
tel.: +32 2 2139 432
e-mail: matus.ziga(at)mzv.gov.cz



External Relations Unit


Tomáš Pospíšil
Head of Unit
Latin America and Caribic (COLAC)
tel.: +32 2 2139 550
e-mail: tomas.pospisil(at)mzv.gov.cz

Tomáš Trnka
Western Balkans (COWEB), EU Enlargement (COELA)
tel.: +32 2 2139 429
e-mail: tomas.trnka(at)mzv.gov.cz
Lukáš Kindl
Eastern Europe and Central Asia (COEST)
tel.: +32 2 2139 511
e-mail: lukas.kindl(at)mzv.gov.cz
Markéta Benešová
Transatlantic relations (COTRA), Africa (COAFR)
tel.: +32 2 2139 522
e-mail: marketa.benesova(at)mzv.gov.cz
Dorota Saitzová
Asia and Oceania (COASI)
tel.: +32 2 2139 512
e-mail: dorota.saitzova(at)mzv.gov.cz
Andrea Trouvé Chalupová
Middle East (MOG), Maghreb/Mashrek (North Africa, Union for the Mediterranean, Middle East Peace Process)
Middle East/Gulf WP, Mashreq/Maghreb WP
tel.: +32 2 2139 426
e-mail: andrea.chalupova(at)mzv.gov.cz
Aneta Kasalická
EU-UK Relations Coordinator
tel.: +32 2 2139 418
e-mail: aneta.kasalicka(at)mzv.gov.cz

Kristina Hrbková
Human rights (COHOM)
tel.: +32 2 2139 547
e-mail: kristina.hrbkova(at)mzv.gov.cz

Milena Levíčková
Development cooperation and humanitarian aid
(CODEV, COHAFA), Global Gateway
tel.: +32 2 2139 551
e-mail: milena.levickova(at)mzv.gov.cz

Administration and organisation tasks for this unit are handled by the COPS Section secretariat.


Common Foreign and Security Policy Unit, CSDP

Petra Hojni
Head of Unit
Politico-military aspects of CSDP (PMG)
tel.: +32 2 2139 505
e-mail: petra.hojni(at)mzv.gov.cz
Candida Novák Horňáková
CSDP civilian aspects (CIVCOM), EUISS, ESDC, disarmament and non-proliferation of weapons
tel.: +32 2 2139 403
e-mail: candida.hornakova(at)mzv.gov.cz
Adéla Jiřičková
Politico-military aspects of CSDP, EU-NATO relations,
tel.: +32 2 2139 446
e-mail: adela.jirickova(at)mzv.gov.cz

Lucie Hasnedlová
CFSP/CSDP horizontal issues; RELEX
tel.: +32 2 2139 502
e-mail: lucie.hasnedlova(at)mzv.gov.cz
Ondřej Pavlík
European Peace Facility (EPF), RELEX
tel.: +32 2 2139 427
e-mail: ondrej.pavlik(at)mzv.gov.cz
Michaela Schwank
horizontal issues
tel.: +32 2 2139 111
e-mail: michaela.schwank(at)mzv.gov.cz
Debora Laníčková
Defense advisor
tel.: +32 2 2139 425
e-mail: debora.lanickova(at)mzv.gov.cz
Václav Čejka
Defence advisor
tel.: +32 2 2139 510
e-mail: vaclav.cejka(at)mzv.gov.cz
Filip Gantner 
Defence advisor
tel.: +32 2 2139 435
e-mail: filip.gantner(at)mzv.gov.cz
Administration and organisation tasks for this unit are handled by the COPS Section secretariat.


Military Unit

Colonel Zdeněk Gabriel 
Head of Unit
Deputy Military Representative to EU
tel.: +32 2 2139 521
e-mail: zdenek.gabriel(at)mzv.gov.cz
Lieutenant Colonel Robert Niesyt
Senior Liaison Officer to EUMCWG
tel.: +32 2 2139 519
e-mail: robert.niesyt(at)mzv.gov.cz
Lieutenant Colonel Miroslava Štenclová
Senior Liaison Officer to EUMCWG/HTF
tel.: +32 2 2139 520
e-mail: miroslava.stenclova(at)mzv.gov.cz
Lieutenant Colonel Hana Stoláriková 
Senior Liaison Officer to EUMCWG
tel.: +32 2 2139 507
e-mail: hana.stolarikova(at)mzv.gov.cz
Chief Warrant Officer Pavel David
Chief Staff Member
Administrative assistant
tel.: +32 2 2139 518
e-mail: pavel.david(at)mzv.gov.cz

Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Školoudík
Horizontal security issues
tel.: +32 2 2139 111
e-mail: daniel.skoloudik(at)mzv.gov.cz



Information and Communication Technologies Unit

Martin Kříček
Head of Unit
tel.: +32 2 2139 406
e-mail: martin.kricek(at)mzv.gov.cz
Adam Minář
IT consultant, specialist
tel.: +32 2 2139 514
e-mail: adam.minar(at)mzv.gov.cz
Zdeněk Plaček
IT consultant, specialist
tel.: +32 2 2139 548
e-mail: zdenek.placek(at)mzv.gov.cz


 Financial Management and Property Unit

Michel Kolaříková
Head of Unit
Financial operations and budget
tel.: +32 2 2139 414
Olga Ulická
tel.: +32 2 2139 448
e-mail: olga.ulicka(at)mzv.gov.cz
Josef Samson
Apartments caretaker
tel.: +32 2 2139 457
Gabriela Boháčová
Chief accountant
tel.: +32 2 2139 449
e-mail: gabriela.bohacova(at)mzv.gov.cz

Property Register, Storehouse
tel.: +32 2 2139 415
e-mail: (at)mzv.gov.cz
Zuzana Vaněčková
Cashier, accountant
tel.: +32 2 2139 416
e-mail: zuzana.vaneckova(at)mzv.gov.cz

Technical Unit

Martina Svojše
Head of Unit
Services and Operations Unit
tel.: +32 2 2139 413

Olga Ulická
tel.: +32 2 2139 448
e-mail: olga.ulicka(at)mzv.gov.cz
Radek Boháč
Chauffeur, Garage foreman
tel.: +32 2 2139 552
e-mail: radek.bohac(at)mzv.gov.cz
Miroslav Baliak
tel.: +32 2 2139 535
e-mail: miroslav.baliak(at)mzv.gov.cz
Karel Boháč
tel.: +32 2 2139 552
e-mail: karel.bohac(at)mzv.gov.cz
Marek Pajkrt
tel.: +32 2 2139 535
e-mail: marek.pajkrt(at)mzv.gov.cz
Jiří Vaněček
tel.: +32 2 2139 131
e-mail: jiri.vanecek(at)mzv.gov.cz
Ivan Vízner
tel.: +32 2 2139 111
e-mail: ivan.vizner(at)mzv.gov.cz
Karel Niemczyk
tel.: +32 2 2139 111
e-mail: karel.niemczyk(at)mzv.gov.cz
Michal Vik
tel.: +32 2 2139 111
e-mail: michal.vik(at)mzv.gov.cz