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The International Scientific Conference Entitled ″From Soča to Visegrad″ and the Vernissage of the Exhibition ″The Photographers of the War 1914-1918″


On April 25, 2017, in the premises of the museum of the city of Nova Gorica in the castle of Kromberk the conference of the first world war took place on the basis of the central european perspective. more ►

The Theatre of F. X. Šalda from Liberec at the Festival of Theatre in Slovenian City of Kranj


On March 28, 2017 the theatre ensemble from the Theatre of F. X. Šalda from Liberec opened with its performance the 47th season of traditional Slovenian theatre festival named ″The week of Slovenian drama″. more ►

The Exhibition of the photographer Mr. Vladimír Židlický in the Gallery of Photon in Ljulbjana


On March 3, 2017 the Vernissage of the Exhibition of photographs of Czech photographer Mr. Vladimír Židlický was held in the Gallery of the Center of modern photo. The author of the photos Mr. Vladimír Židlický introduced the collection of his… more ►

The Vernissage of the Exhibition of Czech Artists in the BTC center in Ljubljana


On February 20, 2017 the Vernissage of the exhibition took place in Ljubljana. more ►



Studyin.cz is a resource for information about higher education in the Czech Republic. It provides essential information about the higher education system, study opportunities and student´s life in the Czech Republic. more ►

Support of Czech Cultural Heritage Abroad


The program of the support of Czech cultural heritage abroad is primarily aimed at the support of educational and cultural activities of Czech compatriots. more ►