Plečnik Year – the Presentation of Work of Slovenian Architect Jože Plečnik performed by prof. Dr. Damjan Prelovšek, the Holder of the Czech Award of Gratias Agit for 2017
12.07.2017 / 13:22 | Aktualizováno: 14.07.2017 / 11:45
On 20th June 2017 the Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Slovenia Dr. Věra Zemanová held the glass of wine for the diplomatic corps of Ljubljana followed by the tour of private villa of Mr. Damjan Prelovšek, one of the most important experts on the Plečnik work.
The villa from 1911 was reconstructed in the 30's of the 20th century by Plečnik and bears his unique style.
On this occasion, the Ambassador of the Czech Republic Mrs. Věra Zemanová informed the present guests that the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Mr. Lubomír Zaorálek would honor Mr. Prelovšek with the Gratias Agit Award on 23rd June 2017 in the Great Hall of the Černín Palace for his merits in the field of deepening contacts between the Czech Republic and the Republic of Slovenia, spreading of good name of the Czech Republic in Slovenia as well as important lifelong contribution of Mr. Damjan Prelovšek to the strengthening of the awareness of mutual relations between Czechs and Slovenians.
This year, the Gratias Agit Award was given to 15 laureates and has been awarded since 1997 to compatriots and friends of the Czech Republic that deepen the interest in our country abroad and spread good name of Czechia in the world by their long-term activities beyond their professional duties. Among the laureates are bohemicists, translators, scientists, businessmen, artists, writers, pedagogues as well as sportsmen. The laureates receive the diploma and the symbolic crystal globe by academic painter Mr. Zdeněk Petr. The award is not associated with any financial reward.
More information at: Slavnostní udělení Ceny Gratias agit 2017