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Photo: © Andrej Peunik
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The Vernissage of the Exhibition Entitled ″Plečnik and the Prague Castle: the Apartment for the First Czechoslovak President″

On April 21, 2017, the Vernissage of the exhibition entitled ″Plečnik and the Prague Castle: the apartment for the first Czechoslovak president″ took place in the House of Plečnik in Ljubljana.

The Vernissage was prepared in cooperation with the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Ljubljana and the Museums snd galleries of the city of Ljulbjana and the Office of the President of the Czech Republic.

The Exhibition was inaugurated with the presence of the Minister of culture of the Republic of Slovenia Mr. Tone Peršak, the Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Slovenia Mrs. Věra Zemanová, the Direcotr of the archive of the Office of the President of the Czech Republic Mr. Martin Halata and the Direcotr of Museums and galleries of the city of Ljubljana Mr. Blaže Peršin. After the opening greeting of the Director of the Museums and galleries of the city of Ljubljana, Mr. Martin Halata gave a speech concerning the conception and the origins of the exhibition. The Ambassador of the Czech Republic Mrs. Věra Zemanová in her short speech appreciated the contribution of the architect Mr. Jože Plečnik when forming the new shape of the Prague Castle. After that, the Minister of Culture of Slovenia, Mr. T. Prešak ephasized the importance of the architect Mr. Jože Plečnik for mutual Czech – Slovenian relations and opened the exhibition.

The exposition in the museum of Ljubljana in the House of Plečnik, present Museum of Plečnik, introduces the role of the world-famous architect Plečnik that he had when making designs of the apartment for the first Czechoslovak president  Mr. Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk in the Prague Castle. The exhibition consists of bilingual Slovene- English text boards complemented with visual material and unique original displays of furniture borrowed from the property of Prague Castle.

On April 20, 2017, the public commentated guided tour of the exposition took place. The tour was for the specialists in the given issues prepared and led by the authors of the exhibition, the Director of the archive of the Office of the President of the Czech Republic, Mr. Martin Halata and the Custodian of the collections of the archive of the Office of the President of the Czech Republic Mr. Michal Šula.

In the frame of the ″Year of Plečnik 2017″ in which we remind the 60th anniversary of the decease and 145th anniversary of the birth of this important architect, several events took already place in Ljubljana. In the entrance hall of the Slovenian Ministry of Culture  was in March the exhibition entitled ″Plečnik′s Ljubljana″. The aim of the exhibition was international presentation of the work of Plečnik and support of the nomination of his works for the register on the list of the world cutlutral heritage of UNESCO. The Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Slovenia Mrs. Věra Zemanová this year in April organized for the diplomatic corps in Ljubljana the tour of the works of Plečnik in Ljubljana with the presentation of one of the most important expert of the work of Plečnik prof. dr. Damjan Prelovšek. In the month of May other exhibition will be inaugurated in the Castle of Ljubljana entitled ″Plečnik upon the city″. The presentation of the work of architect Plečnik for Prague Castle will be a part of this exhibition. As a accompanying programe of the exhibition there will be a lesson given by prof. dr. Damjan Prelovšek entitled ″Jože Plečnik and Prague Castle″ on June 15, 2017.


Author of photos : Andrej Peunik