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Address: Ankawa, Kareez 15, Street 74, House 12,
Erbil, Region of Iraqi Kurdistan, Iraq


erbil.consulate@mzv.gov.cz (for questions and communication with Visa Section of the Consulate)

erbil.visa@mzv.gov.cz  (for the registration of an appointment to submit visa application; we do not respond to inquiries sent to this e-mail address!)

Please pay attention to the visa information on this website and do not send requests for general information that  is published on this website.

We usually respond to specific email enquiries within 7 working days.

Telephone enquiries about the visa process are answered only by Visa Section staff on the telephone number:+964 751 009 2914.  In respect of the ongoing Lenten month of Ramadan (02.03.2025 -30.03.2025), telephone inquiries regarding specific visa questions will be answered on Mondays and Wednesdays from 13:30 to 14:15 and also the office hours for personal appointments will be reduced to 14:30.

Consulate does not provide information about the visa procedure during the legal period of processing the application. Once the application has been decided, Consulate will contact the applicant. The status of a long-term visa/residence permit application can be checked here.

Consulate does not communicate via social media.



Sunday     13 - 16 Schengen visa
Monday 9 - 12 Schengen visa 14 - 16 Consular Affairs
Tuesday 9 - 12 Schengen visa 13 - 16 Long-term visa / permits
Wednesday 9 - 12 Schengen visa 14 - 16 Consular Affairs
Thursday 9 - 12 D type visa issuance    






Passport /result collection /appeal submitting:  Sunday - Thursday, 12:00 - 13:00 (no appointment needed).

To apply for a long-term visa or residence permit, please make an appointment.



When applying for a long-term visa or a residence permit or permanent residence permit, territorial consular competence rule applies. An applicant can apply through Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Erbil if he or she is:

 -  an Iraqi citizen or

 - a holder of the long-term or permanent residence in Iraq who has been lawfully residing here continuously for at least 2 years

For the visa agenda, the Czech Consulate General in Erbil serves the visa clientele in whole Iraq. The Czech Embassy in Baghdad serves only holders of diplomatic and service passports.

Based on bilateral agreements, the Consulate General of the Czech Republic represents the following countries when accepting a Schengen visa application:
   - Slovakia
   - Belgium (only for holders of diplomatic and service passports)
Applications for long-term visas and long-term or permanent residence permits are not subject of the representation agreements.



Consulate collects visa fees in cash in EUR currency.



Visa Forms are available on the webpage: 




The languages spoken during the visa procedure at Consulate are Czech and English. The interview can be conducted in Czech, English, Kurdish or Arabic.



New Year - 1 January

Good Friday - 18 April

Easter Monday - 21 April

Labour Day - 1 May

Liberation Day - 8 May

Cyril and Methodius Day- 5 July

Master Jan Hus Burning Day - 6 July

Czech Statehood Day - 28 September

Independent Czechoslovak State - 28 October

Day of Fight for Freedom and Democracy - 17 November

Christmas Holidays - 24-26 December