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about us

Ankawa, Kareez 15, Street 74, House 12,
Erbil, Region of Iraqi Kurdistan, Iraq
Telephone:   +964 (0) 66 225 3948,
Email: erbil@mzv.gov.cz
This email address is to be used for general communication with the Consulate General

Office Hours: Sunday–Wednesday 09:00–12:00 hrs, 13:00–16:00 hrs,
                             Thursday 09:00–12:00 hrs, 13:00–14:30 hrs  


Commercial-Economic Section:
E-mail: erbil.commerce@mzv.gov.cz
This email address is to be used for commercial-economic issues only.

More information about Commercial-Economic Section here


Visa and Consular Section:
Email: erbil.consulate@mzv.gov.cz
This email address is to be used for visa and consular issues only. It cannot be used for reservation of visa appointment

More information about the Visa and Consular Section here



New Year - 1 January

Good Friday - 18 April

Easter Monday - 21 April

Labour Day - 1 May

Liberation Day - 8 May

Cyril and Methodius Day- 5 July

Master Jan Hus Burning Day - 6 July

Czech Statehood Day - 28 September

Independent Czechoslovak State - 28 October

Day of Fight for Freedom and Democracy - 17 November

Christmas Holidays - 24-26 December


Emergency Line: +420 222 420 222
The line operates only outside the working hours of the Consulate General and is intended exclusively for citizens of the Czech Republic or European Union in distress or health and life threats.
In other cases, contact us during office hours.
No information will be provided at this number, including about the visa and consular issues. 

Head of Mission

Consul General Karel Kortánek