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The Consular section is authorized to provide verification agenda (verification of copies of documents, signatures, superlegalization).

Documents for verification, superlegalization, signature verification can be submited at the Consular section only after prior appointment via erbil.consulate@mzv.gov.cz.

Ankawa, Kareez 15, Street 74, House 12,
Erbil, Region of Iraqi Kurdistan, Iraq


Kindly contact the Consular Section exclusively by e-mail: erbil.consulate@mzv.gov.cz.

Emergency Line: +420 222 420 222
The line operates only outside the working hours of the Consulate General and is intended exclusively for citizens of the Czech Republic or European Union in distress or health and life threats.

Legalisation/Superlegalisation of Documents

Documents for verification, higher verification (superlegalization), signature verification can be submited at the Consular section after prior appointment made only via e-mail erbil.consulate@mzv.gov.cz. more ►