Concert "Songs by Jewish Composers" in Næstved
,13.05.2013 / 08:00 | Aktualizováno:

On 12 May 2013 the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Copenhagen in cooperation with Næstved Museum and Næstved Municipality arranged the concert "Songs by Jewish Composers" performed by pianist Markéta Janáčková and mezzosopranist Pavla Švestková… more ►
Concert with violoncellist M. Fukačová and pianist R. Ardaševová in Albertslund
,25.11.2012 / 21:00 | Aktualizováno: 14.05.2019 / 12:42

On 23 November 2012 the two prominent Czech musicians Michaela Fukačová and Renata Ardaševová played pieces by Czech and Nordic composers in the church Opstandelseskirken in Copenhagen suburb of Albertslund. more ►
The Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra in Copenhagen
,28.01.2012 / 17:15 | Aktualizováno:

Concert by the Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra, Danish Radio Big Band and American guitar player John Scofield in Koncerthuset in Copenhagen. more ►
Concert by the Vlach Quartet Prague in Albertslund
,12.11.2011 / 14:39 | Aktualizováno:

The Czech classical music was played by the Vlach Quartet Prague in Albertslund on 10 and 11 November 2011. more ►
Concert by the Janáček Trio in Biblioteket Rentemestervej
,22.10.2011 / 13:36 | Aktualizováno:

The Embassy of the Czech Republic continued the successful cooperation with the Culture Centre Biblioteket Rentemestervej in Bispebjerg, Copenhagen by arranging a concert by the Janáček Trio on Friday 21 October 2011. more ►
Concert by the Czech organist Pavel Kohout in Charlottenlund
,31.08.2011 / 14:45 | Aktualizováno:

On Tuesday 30 August 2011 a concert by a young Czech organist Pavel Kohout took place at Ordrup Kirke in Charlottenlund. more ►
Concert by violinist Jaroslav Šonský
,15.06.2011 / 17:43 | Aktualizováno: 14.05.2019 / 12:43

On Tuesday 14 June 2011, upon initiative of the Czech Embassy, a concert of the Czech violinist Jaroslav Šonský and the French pianist Sylvaine Wiart took place at the French Embassy in the center of Copenhagen. more ►
Two concerts “Czech Touches of Music” in Denmark
,08.04.2011 / 11:36 | Aktualizováno:

The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Copenhagen arranged on 6 and 7 April 2011 two concerts of the Czech untraditional trio consisting of Pavla Švestková (mezzo-soprano), Miroslav Matějka (flute) and Markéta Janáčková (piano). They gave an… more ►
Concert by three soloists with Jaroslav Svěcený
,03.12.2010 / 09:27 | Aktualizováno: 14.05.2019 / 12:47

On Thursday 2 December 2010 the Embassy of the Czech Republic was co-organizing a concert of three excellent soloists – Czech violinist Jaroslav Svěcený, Luxembourg pianist Francesco Tristano and Danish violinist Phillippe Benjamin Skow. more ►
Two organ concerts by the Czech organist Pavel Kohout
,19.07.2009 / 13:02 | Aktualizováno:
During the summer tour of the young Czech organist Pavel Kohout in Scandinavia two concerts took place in Denmark. more ►