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Concert "Songs by Jewish Composers" in Næstved


On 12 May 2013 the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Copenhagen in cooperation with Næstved Museum and Næstved Municipality arranged the concert "Songs by Jewish Composers" performed by pianist Markéta Janáčková and mezzosopranist Pavla Švestková… more ►

Concert by violinist Jaroslav Šonský


On Tuesday 14 June 2011, upon initiative of the Czech Embassy, a concert of the Czech violinist Jaroslav Šonský and the French pianist Sylvaine Wiart took place at the French Embassy in the center of Copenhagen. more ►

Two concerts “Czech Touches of Music” in Denmark


The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Copenhagen arranged on 6 and 7 April 2011 two concerts of the Czech untraditional trio consisting of Pavla Švestková (mezzo-soprano), Miroslav Matějka (flute) and Markéta Janáčková (piano). They gave an… more ►

Concert by three soloists with Jaroslav Svěcený


On Thursday 2 December 2010 the Embassy of the Czech Republic was co-organizing a concert of three excellent soloists – Czech violinist Jaroslav Svěcený, Luxembourg pianist Francesco Tristano and Danish violinist Phillippe Benjamin Skow. more ►