Concert "Songs by Jewish Composers" in Næstved
13.05.2013 / 08:00 | Aktualizováno:
On 12 May 2013 the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Copenhagen in cooperation with Næstved Museum and Næstved Municipality arranged the concert "Songs by Jewish Composers" performed by pianist Markéta Janáčková and mezzosopranist Pavla Švestková.
The concert program consisted mainly of songs composed by Czech Jews of which the majority died in concentration camps during the Second Wolrd War. The concert was organized in connection with the exhibition Sophie´s Choice In the Czech Way by journalist and researcher Judita Matyášová, presented 25 April – 31 May in Næstved Museum.
Concert by Markéta Janáčková and Pavla Švestková in Næstved Museum
From the left: pianist Markéta Janáčková, mezzosopranist Pavla Švestková and consul Barbora Stejskalová
From the left: mezzosopranist P. Švestková and pianist M. Janáčková by the exhibition “Sophies Choice In the Czech Way“ in Næstved Museum