Teaching English at Public Schools in the Czech Republic
Academic Information Agency (AIA) acts as an intermediary between primary and secondary public schools in the Czech Republic and teachers of English interested in employment at the participating schools. The program is focused solely on teaching English as a foreign language and does not include teaching of other subjects.
The assistance provided by AIA is limited to receiving on-line registrations from people interested in English teacher positions at Czech public schools via our on-line registration form, and providing these data to the schools involved in the program. An updated list of applicants is handed over to the schools regularly, usually before the start of a new school year (September 1st) and before the mid-term (February 1st).
AIA is not involved in the selection of candidates, nor does it provide any further assistance to the teachers or the schools. It is up to the individual schools to choose suitable candidates, to contact them and to manage the hiring process. The employment contract is concluded between the respective school and the applicant.
The schools initially contact a number of applicants before they narrow down their selection. It is, therefore, advisable for the applicants contacted by several schools to reply to each offer to increase their chance of being hired.
Participating in this program are primary schools with extended foreign language education and secondary schools seeking our assistance with finding professional English teachers from abroad. These are mostly schools in smaller towns with limited outreach, it is, therefore, to be noted that finding positions in Prague and other major cities through this program is unlikely.
Qualification Requirements
A college or university degree is a prerequisite for applying for any public-school teaching position in the Czech Republic. In case of applicants who don’t have a degree in English or a related subject, additional qualification in teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) is required. Previous experience in teaching English in a classroom setting is strongly desired.
Documents accepted as proof of qualification:
• university/college diploma
• teacher certification/registration (if applicable)
• TEFL certificate (if applicable).
Please note that for legal purposes, non-EU citizens also need a notarized copy of the documents proving their qualification (see above) produced in the home country. For the notarized copies to be accepted internationally, they might also need an apostille (depending on the country).
Legal Requirements
Legal requirements for the employment in the Czech Republic differ according to the country of origin: citizens of EU/EEA countries and Switzerland can be employed under the same legal conditions as Czech nationals (an Employee Card is not required); citizens of non-EU/EEA countries must obtain an Employee Card which is to be issued before the arrival in the Czech Republic. For detailed information, please refer to the website of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic.
Employment Conditions
Teachers are required to take up their post for the entire school year – September 1st to June 30th. A few job openings may also come up during the school year, in particular around mid-term (January/ February). Teachers hired during the school year are expected to stay until the end of the term. The schools involved in this program can usually afford to employ only one teacher from abroad.
Both primary and secondary school teachers are expected to teach a full-time schedule consisting of approximately 24 teaching hours per week.
The age of primary school pupils is from 6 to 15, for secondary school students it is 15 to 19. Foreign language education starts in the 3rd grade of primary school, at the latest. Most pupils start learning English in primary schools, however, since it is not mandatory, some students entering secondary schools might be beginners. For language classes, students are usually divided into smaller groups, based on their skills. Commonly used textbooks are provided.
Foreign teachers receive a salary according to the same principles as Czech teachers – approximately 30,000 – 35,000 CZK per month, before taxes and deduction of mandatory medical and social insurance payments. While the salary is sufficient for living in the Czech Republic, it is not sufficient, for example, to travel around Europe.
Teachers must pay their own travel expenses to and from the Czech Republic. Most schools, however, will provide transportation to their location after your arrival in the Czech Republic, if agreed upon in advance. Public transportation in the Czech Republic is very good, with a wide network of buses and trains connecting almost every town and village.
Accommodation for teachers coming from abroad should be arranged for by the school, however, it is to be noted that in smaller towns, housing options are quite limited. It is also beyond the reach of the schools to arrange accommodation for family members or friends.
Schools usually try to help the teacher to get acquainted with the new environment. Most schools offer inexpensive meals in their school cafeterias.
Czech National Agency for International Education and Research - DZS
Academic Information Agency
Na Poříčí 1035/4
110 00 Prague 1
Czech Republic
Information on employment visas for the Czech Republic may be found at the Embassy of the Czech Republic's visa pages.