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Visa Refusal

Schengen visas

In case of Schengen (short-stay) visa refusal (and annulment or revocation), the applicant receives a notification form stating the reason for visa refusal and guidance on possible further steps – for example filing a new visa application or requesting review of the visa refusal (appeal).

Request for the review of visa refusal (appeal) must be received by the diplomatic mission that refused the visa within 15 days after receiving the negative decision – in original with original signature of the appellant (i.e. in person, by mail or data box). Instructions are also given in the notification form.

The appellant states the reasons for the appeal, i.e. why he/she sees the decision as incorrect. Information that was not stated in the visa application cannot be a reason for the appeal.  The appeal is subsequently forwarded to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which reviews it within 60 days. The outcome of this review is final. The appellant is informed about the outcome through the diplomatic mission that refused the visa.


Long Term Visas and Residence Permits

In case of long-term visa or long-term or permanent residence permit refusal, the appeal can be sent through the diplomatic mission that refused the visa/permit to the Ministry of Interior, Department for Asylum and Migration Policy.

There is no legal entitlement to visa.

Family member of the EU citizen can request review of the visa refusal (appeal) within 15 days of receiving the negative decision. The appeal is submitted in writing to the diplomatic mission that refused the visa and must contain the name and surname of the appellant, date and place of birth, passport number, citizenship and reasons for the appeal, i.e. why he/she sees the decision as incorrect. Instructions are also given in the notification form. The diplomatic mission can review and change its negative decision within five days. If the diplomatic mission does not retract from its decision, it forwards the appeal to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which reviews it within 60 days. If the Ministry of Foreign Affairs upholds the decision, the family member of the EU citizen can request within one month of receiving the appeal outcome a legal review by a court. The competent court is the district court according to the address where the appellant would fulfill the reporting duty on entry and residence. The proposed address on the territory of the Czech Republic must be given in the visa application.

The fee for filing an appeal is 60 Euro (in Israel the fee is payable in NIS - for the correct amount please visit the Consular and Visa Fees list).